Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Through everything we've learned, we've finally come to terms

We are the Outsiders!  Thats from Needtobreathe, an awesome song my sister turned me on to a year or so ago, but which I only really listened to this morning while riding my bike.  It just really speaks to the path that our sistahood and so many others in this blogging community have taken.  We don't fit the typical "runner/athlete" profile.  We're slow, we're heavy, often lacking grace.  We don't look the part.  But yet we're out there every day, more dedicated than most.  We're determined and adventurous. With the assistance of sticky pants and tummy tucks, we face our insecurities and stand firm, conducting a social rebellion each day we take a step on the road.  What a collective experience we share, and what obstacles we've overcome!

"On the outside, you're free to roam.  On the outside, we found a home." 

Admittedly, this hasn't been my general experience as a runner.  I've been running, albeit slowly, since I was 10.  But this hit me today because I decided to ride my bike instead of run.  I bought a road bike last year with the fancy clippy shoes and all, and I've ridden it exactly twice.  I did 11.5 miles on a rather hilly route, and the hills were pretty tough.  I got passed by several other bikers out on the road.  I felt occasionally stared at and was convinced that I was pedaling wrong, or my posture incorrect, or I was going hilariously slowly, betraying my newbie status.  I felt that way when I started swimming too - convinced that others were staring at me, criticizing my strokes, and feeling generally quite foolish with my belly rolling over my swimsuit.  I still do often when I get in the pool surrounded by the graceful and powerful swimmers at my gym.  Even running at the gym, I am so much slower and less svelte than the "legit" crowd.  I am not like them.  I am an Outsider.

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