Thursday, October 12, 2017


I am not done changing
Out on the run, changing
Sometimes I wonder if she'll be the one
When I am done changing
- John Mayer

Long workweek in Boston but I did get outside for a two mile run tonight.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Good morning

I lied to you. I lied to you.
I lied to your face in the summer
You had long hair then
I'm coming back from the dead
- Bleachers

I ran a 5k on this beautiful morning in 38:40 or around 12:20 min miles. According to the website though, it was 11:20 so I'm going with that. I did the mountain yesterday for the first time this fall and brought fat dog along so I could carry her. But not. She's just not up for the long hikes anymore and she needed many breaks. But also it was rather warm. On thurs I did 3.5 around the lake, 3 on Tues and 2 on Monday. I always do better when I'm busy and what with having decided to sell my house last Friday and selling it Thursday and buying a new house yesterday, I've been rather busy. So excited I'm finally going to see It with baby girl today.

- Sandy