Monday, June 27, 2011

Here we come to a turning of the seasons

That's from a real cool song called "Don't Carry It All" by the Decemberists.  And yea verily, the seasons have changed here in Phoenix.  I really shouldn't complain, as June has been most mild and lovely here in the Valley of the Sun, but the last two weekends have been downright brutal.  It was 112 F here yesterday.  The heat always gets me grumpy and sucks my energy; thus my best efforts to run on the hamster wheel in the air-conditioned gym.  I slept like hell last night and there was just no draggin my ass outta bed at 6am, which is the latest possible moment this time of year (unless you're nutso and actually run in the 90 degree temperatures at 7am!!).  So, I went to the gym today at lunch and got in 2.5 miles.  Sigh.  And as Mari has publicly committed to half-assedly training for the Vegas half marathon, I shall publicly commit to haf-assedly thinking about maybe training for it at some point in the future.  That's half-assedly mind you. 

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