Thursday, June 2, 2011

Baby ain't we a Beautiful Disaster

That's an awesome old Roger Clyne song from whence I pilfered my moniker.  (You like that?  I'm incredibly smart this morning thanks to one too many mojitos last night.)  Someone asked me recently why I use BD as my blogger name, and because I know our many readers care, I thought I'd offer a general explanation.  First, its from one of my favorite bands.  But secondly and more importantly, its an apt description of my life.  After my divorce 6 years ago I felt like my life was a disaster and all of my dreams had died. I was scrambling to figure out who I was and how to survive in my new reality.  Over the years I've carved out a new life for myself and my beautiful babies.  Its a messy but almost always beautiful existence. 

I did 2 miles outside this morning at 6:30, takin it easy if you will, due to my disease.  That's right, I got a fancy diagnosis yesterday at the doctor - "Piriformis Syndrome".  This is an affliction of the buttock wherein the sciatic nerve is agitated as it passes through a cramped priformis muscle, located deep in the buttock.  This explains my butt cheek malady and all of my whining these last couple months.  And, its likely due not to my fall, but to my attempt to run up and down a mountain, causing severe stress to my piriformis muscle.  I'm going to reqest an accommodation for my new disability at work today.  I think what I need is a massaging heated chair and a part-time schedule with full pay.  Whilst some may argue that I already have that schedule, to you I say this is some serious shit, people!  This is Juneathon!!  I cannot be sidelined by the afflictions of my weak ass!! 


  1. I'm glad your ass can start feeling better.

  2. Indeed you cannot be sidelined! My own fancy diagnosis for my weak ass never stopped me! And it shan't stop you either!


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