Sunday, July 25, 2010

My knee is still all touchy, despite all the ibuprofen and ice. So, this morning I did the bike. I did 20 miles in about 62 minutes. I'm going to get a brace for my knee at the store today and wear it all the time and also wear my athletic shoes all the time, including to work next week. That's my latest knee plan. If the brace makes a big difference then I'll see what I feel like I can do with the running. I think I'm driving Chris a little bit crazy with my obsession over my knee. He works out with knee pain all the time and doesn't understand what I am fussing about. But I never have knee pain!!

It really doesn't hurt that bad, truthfully. It just makes me worry.


  1. well rather than make up all these cures that you have no idea will or will not work, why don't you just go to the doctor??

  2. Because a doctor will just tell me to stop whining and lose some weight.

    Missy, you can relate to me or to Chris?

  3. I can relate to you, marianne, about worrying about the knee!!

  4. Oh, okay. I thought maybe you were saying you could relate to Chris in how I keep complaining about it! Hahaha!

    I am going to a doctor, I need to get a doc anyway, and this is as good an excuse as any. At the very least, he/she can tell me how to best treat the stupid knee.


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