Thursday, July 22, 2010

A beautiful and unexpected gift

Tonight after I got home from depositing new tenants into my old house (and after discovering a hole in the carpet simply covered with a similarly shaped piece of carpet, those stupid fuckers) AND after picking up children from two different friends houses AND working all day, it was a pleasant if not humid overcast 79 degrees with a tiny hint of a breeze. I took this as a sign from Goddess that I need some peace after my awful week, and I went for a run . . . wait for it . . . OUTSIDE!!!!! Woot!! It was awesome. I did my 3.5 route but I walked the last mile because I just wanted to relax and enjoy my music. And by jehosephat, that's what I did!

There's this lyric in a song that goes "in the closet hangs your favorite dress" and I had this sudden flashback of one of the first times I was ever at Dan's house when we were dating and there was a pink dress hanging in his closet. Goddess bless that poor naive girl that I was!! Bless her little soulful heart. I just wanted to love and be love, pink dress be damned!

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