Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Did four loops today. I believe if I am doing my math correctly that I did 13:17 minute miles. Which is totally awesome. I hope my math is right. My total time was 29:13 and my total miles were 2.28. Missy, is my math right?

Also, my calories last night ended up being about 1700, I ate a 100 calorie creamsicle and then probably about 100 calories of pretzels, maybe a bit less. So, it is over my 1500 target, but since I did a four mile run, I figure it's all good. I will say that 150 stupid calories of it was three goddamn "fun size" candy bars that people have at work. They are no fun at all!!!


  1. You actually did 12:48 minute miles which is faster than I ever dreamed of going... whoa...

  2. I know its easier said than done . . . BUT . . . many years ago I just made a decision that desk candy was off limits. And I just kindof removed it from my sphere of reference. And while on rare occasion if I'm starving and haven't eaten lunch I will grab one just for the calories (or if I'm having a bad period), I very rarely partake.


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