Thursday, July 8, 2010

I feel good, nanananananana

That was James Brown in case you didn't know. We are all three doing our shit right now which is really exciting to me. I LOVE running here in Castle Rock. It will probably make dealing with the heat all the more sucky. Pretty sure I have dropped a few lbs here in CO what with all the painting and running and moving. That helps me want to do better with my food.
That run I did the other day was actually 1.8, and today I did 3. On Sunday I am doing the Run with the Roosters at Old Tucson, and it's a 5-miler. I also signed up for a 4-miler at Sabino Canyon in I think September.
My legs feel firmer already and I feel so good. Marianne it's not so much that I rock, (although I do) but that you are now where I was when I was training for the OC, and so I learned a ton about if something isn't working, think of a way to do it differently. Also listen to other runners, especially the fat and/or slow ones.

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