Thursday, April 19, 2012

"I was scared to be happy, now I never will be!

I'll take this regret to my grave!" said Jenna.

"You mean our grave, where we'll  lie on top of each other in one coffin, pelvis to face, for all eternity," Paul replied. 

I went to the gym tonight against the odds given that I was on a plane most of the day then went in to work then had McDonald's for dinner.  But, my girl wanted to go and that was the motivation I needed this night.  Since it is Thursday, I thought it would be a good distraction to watch good tv on the tready, so the above is my favorite quote from 30 Rock, still one of the most clever shows on tv.  Another one was when Jack was telling Liz she needs to have kids and she accused him of being "so transvaginal.".

Anyway, I totally had to run tonight because I'm doing Pats Run on Sat which is 4.2 miles and I haven't exercised since Sat and I can't even remember the last time I ran on the road.  So I'm nervous.  But it went much better than expected and I did a good 2.25 miles at incline, then walked most of the rest of the way to 3.  Pat here I come!

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