Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bottle Belt Runner

Sad enough to say that
Alone I could barely light a match
But together we can burn this place down.
-Four Year Strong

I decide today to do my normal 4-mile run and hope that it will be better than Friday, but otherwise it will probably be uneventful.  So I won't have anything to blog about, except that it is time to release another song from the official playlist.  But running never goes that way - there is always something interesting - you just have to notice it (or create it in your own mind).

My run starts by going down to the lake where I join up with the jogging path.  When I get to the path, there's a woman about 15 yards in front of me and she has one of those bottle belts with water bottles, and gu, and all sorts of crap on it like you would carry during a marathon.  I have the thought that anyone who owns one of these belts must be a more accomplished runner than me and so I will run exactly at her pace.  Which is probably the same thing a stalker would do.  So I follow her for about 3/4 of a mile and then she crosses the street.  Not because of me.  Probably.  I continue on my path, but notice she is now running parallel to me on the other side of the street.  Perfect - I can still take advantage of her pace.  But I'm not enjoying the constant checking and so I look to see if I can find someone else on my side to stalk pace me.  I see a couple running together wearing matching hats, but I quickly reject (and pass) them as I know how unreliable matching hat runners can be (sorry fellow green hats, but we all know it is true).  Anyway - I reach the turnaround point in record time and feel like for today, I was a bottle belt runner.

And we add the above quoted song to our playlist.  Heroes Get Remembered, Legends Never Die by Four Year Strong.  I got this song off a complitation that I found when I was trying to use up some free songs on eMusic.  Turns out it is pretty good to run to.  Here you go.  Happy Easter - enjoy the mosh pit.

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