Saturday, August 7, 2010


Miles I did this morning. I really didn't want to go at all. I didn't take the dog, I just didn't feel like I could deal with him. He was pretty pouty and waited by the gate the whole time I was gone. So, now I feel guilty. My time was 1:37:34. So, that is 13:33 minute miles. Which I have to tell you, I really feel I earned that time. It was kind of a miserable run, with lots and lots of hills which I considered to be quite steep. I had to do four loops and on the last half of the last loop I just had to turn off my interval timer and just run what I could run and walk the stupid fucking hills.

And I am taking the new shoes back. They are giving me blisters in places I should not have blisters, and putting lots of pressure on the toes of my left foot, which is the foot that is bigger. I really just think they are not wide enough. I am going back to my old shoes!

Let's see, what else.... nothing really. I didn't want to do it. I did it.

1 comment:

  1. Don't go back to the old shoes. They aren't running shoes if I remember right. Go to a store that puts you on the treadmill and analyzes your walk, measures your feet carefully, and finds the best shoe for you. Or is that what you did?


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