Saturday, January 23, 2016

London And France

"I'm going to run the trail" says he. "I'm not going, it will be icy!" says I!! "AND COLD" says I!!
"No, it'll be good" says he. So, I agreed to go.

It was miserable. And icy. And cold. But I've been on treadmills for a while now, so it was just too tempting. But I couldn't get into any kind of flow because rather than focus on my music, or the nature, I was focused on where I was putting my feet in an attempt to avoid falling. And I have reason to worry! Last year, I did this exact same damn thing, and mistook an icy patch for a simple wet patch, my feet flew up under me and I ended up with all 190 pounds of me landing right on my ass so hard that I actually rolled around on the ground for a minute or two, calculating in my head how long it would be before Chris decided something must be wrong and came looking for me (I was running "with" him that time too.... and he was way ahead of me, like he always is. Maybe the lesson is I shouldn't be running with him.)

ANYHOODLE, regular readers may recall that I have had misadventures on this trail before. Whether it is because that trail is prone to misadventures or because I am prone to run there often, I can't say, although I would suspect the former. The trail connects my neighborhood area with downtown Castle Rock (such as it is), so people use it for all kinds of purposes other than fitness, including actually getting from one place to another by foot or bike. (Incidentally, searching the term "underwear" on our blog turns up seven posts.... many of which [the ones written by me] are rather amusing, I highly recommend doing it.)

So, a miserable three was completed, the best to be said about it being that it is done. It's back to the treadmill for me tomorrow, alas.

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