Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Had it

I moved out from the sticks
Nobody believed in me
Had to climb my way up
Overcome all kinds of adversity

Oh, if you think I need approval from the faceless throng
That's where you're wrong

- Weezer, I've had it up to here

This might be my new favorite song. It was like the sun came out today. I've gotten up and showered and went to Starbucks to work the last two days and been very productive. After my run this afternoon I took Fat dog for a bike ride and marveled at how good I felt. I went grocery shopping and happily made dinner for J. It's funny when you're in a depression you can't really see it, but now that I'm feeling better I know I was really in the dumps. My gym has this upcoming hike to Havasupai in the Grand Canyon. They've done this several times and I've wanted to go but ebf wouldn't hear of it. I realized I have the freedom to do whatever the fuck I want, and I should never take that for granted. It's a beautiful thing. I don't have to negotiate finances or activities or family time or friends. I do what I want and it feels good. So I'm signing up for that hike and am so excited for it!! I invited the kids too but I'm going either way. I don't need anyone to complete me or my life. I'm good.

1 comment:

  1. Having a sister who has been married for 20 years is bound to give you some perspective on this so called "problem" of yours. I'm not saying I'm taking credit for you feeling better. But I'm not NOT saying it either.


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