Thursday, January 28, 2016

Kill your heroes

Well I met an old man dying on a train
No more destination, no more pain
Well he said, one thing before I graduate
Never let your fear decide your fate

A song rather apropos for today. I've been thinking on what I want to do with my future, see. I've had a dream of living overseas for awhile to learn another culture and see the sights and appreciate the history. I've wished I took that opportunity before I settled down and had kids. Who is to say I can't do it now? Certain dreams must die if one wishes to settle down and be married, and I had let this one go. But now I'm making plans. I even made an inquiry today about a job that manages international business. When my kids go, I'm leaving too. I'm gonna find a new adventure and live the fullness of experience that life has to offer. So this was my contemplation during yoga today after running two miles.  I got there first so attention whore didn't get the prime corner spot. So I hated him less today. Also I did an awesome headstand I've never been able to do before. So yay on me!!  Also, I didn't run in sanfran. So there.

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