Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I think you're headed for a breakdown, so be careful not to show it

How's it gonna go down?
Will you meet him on the main line
Or will you catch him on the rebound?
Will you marry for the money
Take a lover in the afternoon?
Feel your innocence slippin away
Don't believe it's coming back soon

           -Laura Brannigan

Sometimes I'll hear a song on the 80's station and it ends up on my playlist for years. 

My gym has two rows of ellipticals and then two rows of treadmills, all facing the weight area. My favorite treadmill space is the back row, but this leads to not having nearly as good a view of men doing pull-ups as the second row elliptical, where I spent a lot of time last year. It's a real quandary, especially given that this really hot guy that had disappeared for a while is back, I saw him yesterday. I ran an extra mile so as to continue my stalkerish ways. 

Whatever gets it done, amiright???

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