Sunday, March 10, 2013


I have five clocks in my life
And only one has the time right
I'll just unplug it for today
-Matt and Kim

Daylight savings.  No matter how many times I remind myself in the approaching days that it's coming, I still screw it up.  I think it's because I grew up in a land without this phenomenom.  AZ doesn't celebrate this changing of the clocks for at least one of the following reasons 

1) There's plenty of sun and so we don't need to screw with the clocks
2) God doesn't want us screwing with the clocks
3) You can't make us

Anyway - I ran this afternoon - 3.5 miles.  The .5 was just to get my total for the year on a whole number.  So now I'm up to 106.

"Daylight" by Matt and Kim makes the official playlist.  These people are so damn happy singing this song.  Good thing the internet has lyrics - when you sing nonsense, it's really hard to understand the words.  Enjoy

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