Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm not having the best week. And I don't have many more weeks, I can't afford to not have the best week!!!!

I was planning on running this morning, but have not yet done so. Am now planning to go at work during lunch break, which has not been an option the rest of the week, since Chris is in Portland and I have been using my lunch breaks to go pick up Rachael from volleyball practice and then working from home the remainder of the day. I really underestimated how much of a problem it was going to be not having the work option available! I really can't count on myself to get up in the morning and go more than once a week, and I already did it once.

The other thing that has made me have a bad week is just how rotten I was feeling with that band being too tight for whatever reason and lots of reflux and not being able to eat without pain. BUT, I went to my new doc yesterday and she pulled some of the fluid out and now I am all better! She will order the upper GI to determine if there is an actual slip of the band, and if there is, she will remove ALL the fluid from the band for a period of time and then re-do the upper GI to see if it has fixed itself. The good news is she said in almost all cases like this, it fixes itself if you just remove the fluid, so the likelihood of having to get surgery is pretty low at this point. Thank goodness!

So, my plan is to go today on treadmill, tomorrow outside for a shorter run and then my long (9.5 I think) on Sunday. That will still be four times in the week, so I guess it's not all that bad.

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