Thursday, March 17, 2016

Luck O the Irish (or curse, whichever you celebrate)

And now I just can't take no more
I've had it up to here
- Weezer

This song came on during mile 3 of my Shamrock run tonight and it was perfectly timed. I felt pretty good but in mile 3 it got tough. But I felt good enough that I knew I could run the whole way if I battened down the hatches, which is what I do in my mind when I know I've got a tough road coming and I just need to hold tight. And I did it! It was a beautiful cool evening running along the canal. I hit 3 miles in 35:50 which was awesome, and I finished in 48:30 which I was quite happy with. It was a little disappointing that there weren't crowds cheering for me as I crossed the finish line but there were only a couple hundred people who did this run. I then proceeded to fall down these ridiculous stairs that were cut into the hard dirt leading up to the canal, and I took a little girl with me. She was probably 8 and was walking up as I was going down. I'm pretty sure I grasped for her head and hair as I fell. I brought her right down. I was apologizing all over myself and asking if she was ok, and she just looked at the ground and didn't speak, even when her mom asked her, which means she wasn't ok. I think I may have poked her in the eye. I apologized profusely to her mom and then went to the bar and had a celebratory and humble-pie beer. I actually chatted with a young guy at the bar too, which was cool. This girl even came up to him and he was getting her drink, so I started to ignore him and he kept chatting, which I found odd but then I realized that maybe this is the way normal people behave. Maybe normal people aren't threatened by a casual conversation while ordering a drink and watching the game. So all in all a very good night and I'm so glad I went.

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