Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Width of February

February's about as long as it is wide
-Craig Finn

On Monday I ran 3 miles on the treadmill.  I felt good about my run and I felt committed to eating a healthy dinner afterwards.  I thought - I'll have a salad and a small piece of fish.  And then I saw an ad for a Brazilian steakhouse and instead I had all you can eat meat.  Kinda the same thing.

Today I've been very busy, but I snuck out for a quick 2 miles.  I'm pretty sure that tomorrow will be even busier, so I will have to recap February today.  I'm up to a total of 90 miles, which means that I ran 6 times for 34 miles.  Six times?  That's like doing six minute abs.  You can't get a workout in six minutes.  Seven.  Seven is the number.  Maybe I have to run tomorrow.  Or again today.

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