Monday, February 9, 2009

Comments on research

Eating - I found that eating during the race is extremely helpful, it brings your energy level back up. They usually have those packets of "goo" that they pass out and while it has the feel of swallowing a raw eggyolk, they have awesome impact. I've also eaten an energy bar and some of those energy jellybeans. Oatmeal for breakfast is great.

There is always plenty of water and gatorade so don't bring water bottles. And, I have no intention of attempting this without my ipod. Sights and sounds be damned.

I think we should all wear matching hats, preferably of a bright color, so that its easy to find each other after. I'll look for some. Don't worry about looking silly, you'll see lots of funny stuff that day. Invariably someone does the race in a costume. I saw a gorilla in Nashville.

I agree that good sleep is of the utmost importance, and also that its hard to sleep the night before, so its important to get good sleep that whole week.

And on the pooping thing, I take an immodium the morning of the race. I prefer to leave nothing to chance.

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