Thursday, July 5, 2012

I am about to die for lack of a kindred soul to understand my misery.
- Trevor Hall

That is an overly dramatic expression of how I felt on my run today. It wasn't that bad but it was damn sweaty. I'm that girl walking through the gym with sweat circles on my neck, back and armpits. But the song is fitting in another way. An old friend posted a picture on Facebook of my 8th grade volleyball team where I had this awful perm like pubic hair on my head and my coach had dubbed me "curly joe". Good effing times. Then my sister reminded me how I had saved up for that perm and how sad it was that I then hated it. And how it was snowing outside and our dad wouldn't come pick us up so we were preparing to walk the three miles home but the hair lady wouldn't let me leave to walk in the snow with wet hair so she called her son to drive us home and he was the older brother of this popular girl in my class, class president in fact, and I wanted to die of embarrassment and we had him drop us off a block from our house so we wouldn't get in trouble for letting him take us home.  Thank god for my sister and kindred soul.

1 comment:

  1. Such a bizarre memory! I should have just let Karen take credit for that perm.....


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