Sunday, January 1, 2017

The wrap up

So I don't have any profound or insightful lyrics to close the year with. Truth is, I'm exhausted. And damn happy to put this year behind me. I've struggled with asthma and weight gain and my running all year while traveling more than I ever have and helping J navigate senior year and contemplate his future, along with nursing a broken heart. Add to that the dark comedy of American politics and social tensions, and I'm ready to move on. There will always be better days. That's from THATH, so I guess I do have lyrics that made an impact this year. I fell short of our 1000k goal. I ended up with 530 miles (618 was the goal). Started with a bang and went out with a whimper - only 10 days and 32 miles in December. I haven't made time for yoga in a few months and I can feel it in my hips. But there will always be better days and the mountain will always be here. Don't go, mountain.

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