Thursday, July 21, 2016

Stolen zen

So today I had scheduled my workout for the morning because I have a lunch meeting and a date tonight that I was looking forward to. As I was putting my shoes on, said date cancelled, which sucked, but I decided to go anyway. I got a mile in before yoga. As I was sitting down on my mat and reading an email the teacher says to me "you might want to take your shoes off". I said yes of course, I was running. I've never been to this class so she doesn't know me. She then proceeds to tell the class to put phones away, when I am very obviously the only one there holding a phone. Whatever. She then says also to out your water away and that we shouldn't drink water during yoga because we are trying to build heat. Which is crap because it's always 1000 degrees in there and I always take water breaks. But whatever. I get into child's pose and try to find my zen. After awhile were moving into warrior A and I lift my leg before stepping it through because it gives me an added butt crunch, and strong glutes are the main reason I'm there. And she corrects me in front of the class, saying don't lift your leg, use your core. WTF? What happened to doing what YOU need in your practice??? So I left, like 20 minutes in. I wasn't going to be able to find zen. So mini workout is what I ended up with. Maybe I will go back tonight. Or maybe I will find a happy hour buddy.

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