Thursday, March 8, 2012


I wanna play that game tonight.

Can anyone guess the band behind that little 80's ditty?  Thas some authentic retro Hall n Oates for you, released same year as the basketball shoes I donned Sunday evening to whup some ass on bf.  Said bball shoes also sport the autographs of Byron Scott, mid-80's Laker, and Jay Humphries, former Phoenix Sun.  That's why I've kept them all these years, can you imagine what they would go for on eBay?  And the preteens hogging the court were clearly impressed while bf and I did some pregame suicides courtside while waiting for next game. 

Anyway, I started the game with some fancy ball handling while I relayed the story of a former guy I dated after college who wanted to play me one-on-one and whom I beat and never dated again because what self-respecting girl wants to date a guy she can beat in basketball?  Oh, it was on then.  It was a physical battle, bf all up in my grill till I accidentally threw an elbow at his head and he lost his glasses and went all Magic Johnson on me and then I tried to quit but he wouldn't let me.  Tempers flared, my friends, and ultimately bf pulled off the victory 11-8 but not before letting me score a few to assuage my ego.  I will say I had some serious lung burn during this contest, which totally counts for a couple miles. 

Today I did a run/walk 2 miles as lung burn has turned into a nasty chest cold.  Tomorrow we are shredding on the mountain, my boy and I, so should be good times.


  1. Whenever I elbow someone in the head, I usually fling the ball toward the basket, yell "foul", and then mutter something like "I'm working too hard not to get that call". Of course, I sometimes take it easy on the recently concussed.

  2. Reading your posts always reminds me that there are other things besides running, and sometimes things much more enjoyable, that count as exercise.... that whole "active lifestyle" think you've got going on. I struggle with that sometimes. Although I am looking forward to summer, when there are things I do that I enjoy and that are active like swimming and hiking. I guess I just need to find some of those things in Winter. - MR

  3. Active lifestyle THING, I meant. - MMF


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