Saturday, June 19, 2010


Treadmill miles, but still! I did the first two at no incline, the second two at .5 and then one mile at 1 and then for the last mile I put it back down to zero. Man, it was a gooooooood run! I feel terrific, even now! And, I worked off almost 900 calories according to the machine, so it makes up for the ice cream and chinese food yesterday. God, I've just been awful with my eating!

Anyhoodle, and I felt really good when it occurred to me that six miles is half that race. They still haven't posted the damn course, so I can't drive it. I'm really hoping it is pretty flat, you guys. Otherwise, I'm pretty skeptical about my ability to do this thing.

I realized that it was allergies that were making me so damn miserable for the bulk of last week. It was really bad, and I kept thinking I was getting sick with a cold, but that is how bad the allergies were, it felt like a cold. So, I started taking some Advil Allergy Sinus, the good stuff with the psuedoephedrine, which I had to practically go through a background check and sign my life away to get, but it is really making me feel better. I didn't realize it was allergies until I saw what a hard time David was having, he had to have a breathing treatment the other night.

Also, I drank G2 for this entire run, almost a quart of it. I don't know why it is that I always have to learn stuff the hard way, but man, drinking that stuff really REALLY made a difference! I just felt SO much better! And Missy told me that a while back, but of course, god forbid I just fucking LISTEN to someone who might know something, I always have to figure it out for myself. But I know it made a difference because I am not all nauseous and sweaty, my cooldown was normal, it didn't take longer than it should have and I'm not pooping for hours this time either (all this happened the last time I did the treadmill for five miles). So, from here on out, only G2 will be in my water bottle.... even for the short runs. It is low enough in calories that it won't bug me to drink it (I always get pissy about drinking away my calories) and like I said, it really helped me. Plus, it turns out that when you are really thirsty and sweating and you really need it, it doesn't taste like turds dipped in seawater like it usually does!

I have officially reached the point where three miles is an "easy" run. HA!


  1. You rock!!! ya know, I was looking for the course map the other day and I don't understand why they don't just post the damn thing!


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