Friday, February 5, 2016

Balance In Motion

I had a different post in mind. It was going to be titled "Sandy Is Trying To Kill Me".  But today I was going down this mountain that she made me run, and I was remembering the last time I did it (she's a real treat, she makes me run it every time I'm here). 

I didn't run down the mountain last time, I was just too scared of falling. And so this time I was considering how running down a mountain is such a huge act of faith in your body. In my head it goes something like this:

Head: Okay, I'm going to hurl myself down this mountain. Body, you make sure I stay upright and on my feet, okay? 

Body: Uhhh

So anyway, it is this large act of faith in your body. That your feet will find the right places to land. That your knees will stay strong and steady, supporting your weight. That your body will find the correct balance in motion as you fling yourself downhill. 

My body and I have a complicated history. But I ran down that mountain today. It held me up just fine. 

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