Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I surprise Even Me

With how much of a bitch I can really be.

It has been snowing and really cold around here, leaving me with no choice but to do the treadmill. So yesterday at work I went down at a good time, and managed to snag a treadmill at work. I was planning to do 3 miles and was about five minutes away from completing that when ladies social hour came in. The other treadmill was taken, as well as the bikes. Two of the three stupid ladies got on the ellipticals, but did not stay on long, the third sat on the weight bench, presumably waiting for a treadmill to free up. All three ladies in their business clothes, all three yakking, and as an added bonus today, even talking to each other across the gym!

So I did 4.5 miles. Why? Because I can. And because they piss me off.

They kept trying to peek at my treadmill (I keep a towel over the display) trying to figure out if I was going to be off soon.... bitches have no idea what I am capable of, I would have run a fucking marathon before I got off that damn treadmill.  Eventually, they all three went and messed around in the weight room for a while, and then left without doing anything. I was off the treadmill by that time, but the other one was still occupied and so were the bikes.

So today it is still too cold to run outside, and more snow expected. I'll be down in the gym again, who knows what my bitchiness will accomplish?

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