Saturday, May 8, 2010

Awful Awful

I had a miserable first run outside! I only walk/ran the first two miles, and then I had to turn around and I was having to go into the wind and I could barely even walk into that wind, much less run into it. It was awful and cold cold cold. My hands and face were numb they were so cold, so at some point, I texted Chris and told him to come and pick me up! It was just awful. And the HILLS! I am really not sure I can do this. I am going to just have to find a flatter route or something.

I am really questioning the wisdom of this whole thing in Denver. The weather is just so freakin' unpredictable! What if it is snowing? What if it is windy and cold and miserable like it was today?

1 comment:

  1. Don't lose heart Mari. It will get better. One of the reasons I do the treadmill on an incline is that the treadmill is easier than going outside, so the resistance makes it more like going outside. With the treadmill you don't have to propel yourself forward the way you do if you're running on the ground. And, it sounds like nobody threw anything at you so that's good!


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