Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Well, I walked my stupid three miles on Sunday and I am seriously sore. Stupid hills! There are parts of my walks that are UPHILL! Plus, with the altitude still not being entirely adjusted to around here, all adds up to the lactic acid winning. My ass is sore. But I will go to the gym tomorrow and do my cardio anyway. I did decide to make at least one of my cardios a treadmill workout, so it will be another training walk, so I will be walking twice a week and doing the bike twice a week. That should do it. I hope this altitude adjustment happens soon. Chris went through the same thing...he went to work out for the first time up here and did weights and ended up really sore for a week. I mean, I expected to be a little bit sore, especially my butt, but not this sore. This is seriously sore. And all I walked was three stupid miles!


  1. I remember when I tried to go running in Telluride a couple years ago and after like 10 steps it felt like my lungs were on FIRE.

  2. That's just how it feels! FLAMES!


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