Tuesday, January 10, 2012

If you're listening, this is how much it hurts

That's some vintage John Mayer for you this brisk Arizona night.  That's right, I said NIGHT.   I intended to go for a run straight after work, but as it turns out, I completely forgot to pick up the boy from practice and arrived 20 minutes late.  The subsequent guilt caused me to cook dinner for the kidlets prior to my run (and yes, I make a mean grilled cheese sandwich).  Subsequent sista drama created yet another delay.  But, I did get out there and do 3.5 in the dark and cold, and as the imaginary readers of this blog know, dark and cold are two of my nemiseses (and I do have many when it comes to running!).  That's the thing about Janathon - its never IF you'll go, its only how and when.  How much did it hurt?  Not much tonight, folks.  It was a pretty darn good one. Pace felt strong and in my new Hurricanes it was like running on two little clouds.  My lungs burned a little but I'm not sure if it was due to my lightening speed or the frigid 60F degree night.  I think the lung burn probably slowed me down, and I'm adding that to my official excuse list for my poor showing in Vegas, which, to summarize consists of: 
1.  Cold
2.  Dark
3.  Wind
4.  lung burn
5.  Old shoes
6.  Contaminated water given on the course
7.  Distraction of bf eating a McDonalds snack wrap while waiting for race to start
8.  Having to pee at mile 3
9.  eating a krispy kreme for breakfast

1 comment:

  1. I love that, it's not IF, it's only when and how much did it hurt! The non negotiable deal I made with myself about Janathon is proving challenging, but also very rewarding, great run! Well done on combatting your demons!


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