Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dr. Wilson, I presume

Go, Greased Lightning, tearing up the quarter-mile...

No, the title has nothing to do with my run. Yes, I defended my PhD dissertation last week, and I am going to milk that for all it's worth. 

I ran for the first time since last April, and it was totally my own idea to do it.  A lot of people take up exercise during grad school, ostensibly to relieve stress but *of course* it's a procrastination technique.  I didn't need any procrastination strategies -- with two kids, two different research projects, a teaching job, a private office where I could nap, and a Facebook account, I had all the procrastination opportunities I needed.  And instead of exercise relieving the stress of school, apparently I needed the stress of school to go away in order to be able to exercise.  Whatever works.

But now I remember why I hated running so much when we lived here before.  It's f-ing hot here, people.  I really muffed up the opportunity to run in a better climate.  Mmmm, snow...

Long story short, I'm back on the blog and on the streets.  Oh -- the total run was 1.17 miles.  I was like greased lightning out there.

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