Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Yeah we been sayin

We're gonna get somewhere for a long long time
But it never happens
Why's it never happen?
- peacemakers

Well I screwed up the fruit salad, which does involve cooking despite appearances otherwise. So thank goddess for the bottle of wine I bought with my groceries, which I will now have to replace for tomorrow's cooking.

So today I thought I would take a more light meditative stroll than yesterday's tough workout. I went to the mountain and took fatdog, to ensure I didn't go to fast. According to the pedometer I did 5.8 miles, which I doubt because of the pedometers habit of overestimation. But I was out for a good 1:50 and it was therapeutic for mine and fatdog's souls. We did not run a single step, but one of us pooped 3x and peed at least 7x.

Then I showered and commenced the cooking/drinking festivities. Tomorrow is the annual Thanksgiving Day run.

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