Sunday, September 18, 2016

It was my turn to decide

I wont always love what I'll never have
I won't always live in my regrets

You'll sit alone forever if you wait for the right time
What are you hoping for?
I'm here and now, I'm ready
- Jimmy Eat World, 23

I fought with the mountain again this morning and it was a tough one. I didn't get out there until 8 so it was warm, but also my muscles were still fatigued from yoga yesterday. I think the lesson learned is I need a full 24 hour recovery after yoga before attempting the mountain. Or, I can just suck it up and quit whining and keep going after it. Because I know it will get better. Not gonna lie though, my whole body hurts as I rest in the couch of righteousness. It does feel good to have a tough workout done first thing in the morning. Also, I saw another wild tortoise this morning - so lucky!

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