Wednesday, March 29, 2017

"Not having anything isn't a big deal when you don't want anything."
- This American Life, Testosterone

Fantastic podcast on my run this morning. Really made me understand dudes and stereotypes. You read that correctly btw, I ran this morning. It's my new thing. I was loathe to commit to it publicly but here it is. I require structure in my life and without it I tend to fall off into sloth. Kids provide structure, because there's so much to be done, you don't even think about it you just fall into bed at the end of the day exhausted. When kids grow up and leave there's a void of structure (among other things). I'm unhappy with my fitness level and my diet and my activity level and my job. So I'm getting up at 6 and running. That creates such positive energy and motivation for the day, along with a sense of freedom because I don't have to worry about when or where or how I'll get my exercise in, or whether or not I can dredge up the motivation. I get up at six, choke down coffee, and go. And then I'm done.

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