Friday, August 30, 2013


I ain't the kind you take home to mama
I ain't the kind to wear no ring
Somehow I always get stronger
When I'm on my separate team
- Miranda Lambert

The storm clouds followed me into the gym. Turns out they were in my head. It was the kind of clouds that make it difficult to get off the couch much less leave the house, and I actually stood on the treadmill awhile before I found the gumption to start running. And some old dude came over and put on the weather channel. Seriously?? So the prospect I had in front of me was running to golf and the weather. Just shoot me already. But I did start, and I ran a slow steady 2.5 miles at 2% incline. And I do feel better now. Running is the one thing you can do that makes you feel better 100% of the time. Now I'm off to drink my dinner. Drinking sometimes helps too.

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