Sunday, December 25, 2011

"I thought you were going for a WALK"

So said my husband, as I walked in the house after going 3 miles outside. I was all "I did walk, how do you know I didn't walk?" and he goes "because I saw you". He apparently just happened to be looking outside and there is this one spot where you can see the street that I run down, and he saw me. I did run some, but also walked, probably half and half. Maybe more walking.

Anyways, I was just going to do two miles, but after going through the long process of getting ready to go outside, because the stupid gym has the gall to be closed on Christmas day, (two bottoms, two tops, hat and these things Chris calls 'yak tracks' that slip over my shoes and allow me to run and walk over the inch of packed snow and ice that is all along my route right now), I decided it was all too much effort to go to for less than three miles, so that is what the dog and I did. It was about 25 degrees outside, but no wind, so it was okay.

It was definitely a happy and joyful time, very quiet (although incredibly slow). For the last half mile I turned off my ipod and just listened to the sound of crunching snow under my feet. It was nice.

Merry Christmas (or Happy Christmas for all our British Janathon friends)!

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