Tuesday, December 13, 2011

All good, no hate

I got this video from RW Daily, and I initially thought it was going to be another big fat hate fest, but it really isn't. I found it to be really a good video, I love that all the research focuses on nothing more than walking (I love me some walking), and I think it is just a very valuable message. One of my biggest and hardest lessons to learn throughout my weight loss/surgery/exercise/running journey has been how to decouple exercise from weight loss. I think one of the saddest things I see is people joining gyms hoping to lose weight, and if there was one thing I could change about our current culture surrounding weight/obesity/exercise, it would be this idea that if we just exercise we can lose weight. Exercise should be about feeling good, relieving depression, anxiety, boosting good brain activity, reducing stress and all those other good things that the guy on this video describes... it should not be used as a prescription for weight loss, since it will inevitably fail for the most part at that task, leading people to stop doing it before they can really see the other benefits.

Anyways, watch and give it some thought.

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