Sunday, December 6, 2009

I didn't go today at all!

Seriously, when I got up this morning and walked down the stairs I got this huge cramp in my calf that didn't go away for a couple hours. So I decided to wait until the afternoon. And after my second nap, I decided I needed to use today as recovery time. Yah, that's it.

Anyhoo, I forgot to write the best part of my run yesterday. I was running with this guy, and about 4 miles in was feeling really tired and not picking my feet up very high. And I tripped over a lip in the sidewalk and went sprawling, full out, hands in front, body on ground. So badly that said guy was worried I may have injured my wrist. But let me tell you, I popped right up and kept running. I do have a bruise on my knee cap and a small raspberry, but mostly its my pride thats injured.

1 comment:

  1. banana and a glass of milk every night! I don't get leg cramps but I hear they are awful.


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