Thursday, January 29, 2009

nothing today

So I told this guy at work that I ran 6 miles last night, all proud, and his comment was that I need to be EXTREMELY dedicated over the next 13 weeks or it will be excruciatingly painful for me. And I'm all about pain avoidance. I'm not even going to to out tomorrow night so that I can get up Saturday and do my LONG RUN. Or, if I do, I'll certainly be home by 10. Its FBR Open time ya know, and the birds nest and associated hotties only come round once per year. That's all I'm sayin. But back to dedicated, yah, that's me. I have training built into my calendar 4 days a week. And I also spent about 45 minutes (on work time) creating my training calendar.

1 comment:

  1. Did you read about that acrobat guy who fell on his head and died at the FBR golf course on Tuesday? I think it is cursed this year, you had best stay away.


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