Saturday, December 11, 2010


I walked two miles today. I have not exercised for two weeks and have been eating like shit for the same two weeks. And now I have a cold, since that is what happens when you eat like shit and don't exercise for two weeks, especially when your body has gone months upon months without being treated with such disrespect.

Anyways, so I am downshifting to walking right now, possibly going to try the elliptical machine next week, although I said that last week too and it didn't get done. I just need to get my head on straight and remember that exercise does not equal running all the time, and this is my life, not some "abstract ideal" as the president says. It's all fine and good to say "as long as I go I win" but it turns out you actually have to believe it or you won't go at all.

Monday, November 29, 2010


I actually got up this morning and went for a run after I dropped K at the bus stop, and it was 31 degrees out!!!! I ran in full sweatpants and hoodie, and damn it was cold and slow. And, I made Jake miss the bus because I took too long. I need to remember that when I go in the mornings I can only do 2.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

30 4 30

We are having this wellness contest called 30 for 30, where participants exercise for 30 min per day for the 30 days between Thanksgiving and Christmas in effort to avoid the holiday bulge. I have to say it was my ingenius idea. Anyhoo, that's been a big part of my motivation to be going every day. So today I just walked two miles briskly. In my slippers, hoodie and no bra. But, it counts bitchez!! Its hard to be motivated otherwise, knowing that in 3 weeks I'm not going to be able to do any substantial exercise for 6 weeks.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I did 2.5 in Tucson this morning, before the festivus at Dad's. I have to say today I felt the best I've felt since before the incident. Just goes to show if you keep at it, it comes back. And thank goddess I've been doing decently over Thanksgiving because in the spirit of the season, I ate like a hog. I just ate a whole handful of hershey kisses on top of the ridiculous quantities of crap I've eaten today.


Which I counted as four. You wanna hear something annoying? Last Saturday I did 4.56 miles, doing 3/2 intervals and ended up doing 13:02 minute miles. Today, I did four miles doing 2/2 intervals and did 13:05 minute miles.

So, the 3/2 intervals are not making me faster, they are just making me more miserable. Screw that!

Friday, November 26, 2010

alright already!!!!

I did 3.5 on wed, 2 yesterday and about 2.5 today. They were all relatively lazy runs with plenty of walking, but right now I'm just focusing on making sure I get out there.

In honor of Thanksgiving I have to recount the following conversation that took place whilst mom was asking for assistance with the gravy.

Mom: missy could you grab this while I tip the pan?
Missy (confused): wha??
Mom: could you just put your hand on the bone?
Missy: that's what she said, heh heh
Me: its been a long time since I heard that
Emily: that's cause its such an old joke
Me: no, I meant about putting my hand on the bone!

Ba dump bump
Did 3.5 on Thanksgiving (5K plus took the dog out), and two today. Wow, thank god I am keeping track of all this on here!! Otherwise, I might have to find another echo chamber where I hear nothing but crickets chirping.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Anterior Innominate Rotation

That's what I have that is making my hip hurt. He says it likely doesn't have anything to do with the shoes, that was just an unfortunate coincidence that it happened right after I got fitted for those new shoes. It is simply a running injury, I probably did it while doing one of those long training runs.

Anyhoodle, he moved it back where it needed to be and now I have all these old lady exercises I have to do twice a day to try and make it stay where it needs to be. And no running for two days and no crossing my legs anymore. Which is a surprisingly hard habit to break.

I ran 3.4 miles yesterday morning before the appointment. Today my hip is sore, but in a different way. It is sore from the exercises I am doing and also from the manipulation he did to it yesterday, which took quite a bit of effort since I waited so long to address the problem, it was hard to put it right.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Ok, I went, finally, after all the drama of the last two weeks. I think I have a pretty good excuse through Thursday of this week given Kailey's injury and my strep. But, I really should have started up again on Thurs. Anyhoo, I did my 3.5 mile route and I have to say it was Uh-guh-ly!!!!!! I felt like I weighed about 1000 pounds. Good times.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I didn't want to go, but I went. I also did three miles on the treadmill on Thursday, but I didn't bother to post it since I am the only one posting here.

My time today was 59:30, 13:02 per mile, I think.

This is the last time I'm posting until someone else does.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

3 Treadmill

Did three treadmill miles yesterday at the hotel. The room was really hot, so i t was kind of miserable, but it got done.

Can't help but notice that I am, in fact, the only one posting here. Are we doing this or not?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

3.42 Again

Just did another 3.42. Much better today. Time was 44:11, which is fine. I did 3/2 intervals.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I did 3.42 just now. It was ugly and miserable. And also slow. I am at the point where I cannot believe it was me that walked/ran 13.1 miles just a month ago. It's like that was a different person. A crazy person.

Anyhoodle, we are planning to do the Castle Rock Thanksgiving 5K. Rachael and Chris and I are all doing it. I am going to run with Rachael, who is going to do the 2/2 intervals with me. She likes doing it and she has been training much better than either Chris or me.

Friday, November 12, 2010

I'll Keep Up

I'll keep up the blog, as long as everyone else is too!

I've been running and biking but only two or three times per week. Mostly only two. I went a couple of weeks ago and my hip really REALLY started hurting me, so I laid off it. It is the same pain I've had for a long time, I'm pretty sure it is bursitis pain. I can run through it and generally it actually goes away while I am running and then comes on very strong when I go from running to walking. It is worse on the treadmill than it is outside, which explains why it has gotten so much worse, since I've been mainly going running on the treadmill at work during lunch, since it is so damn dark here now so much of the time and I really hate running outside in the dark.

So, I was thinking I probably needed some insoles, started looking at insoles, some of them are quite expensive and then I thought, you know, I am clearly doing something wrong here. I had knee pain, I got a shot and a new pair of shoes. Now the knee pain is solved, but I have hip pain in the opposite leg. I can go get another shot and buy some insoles, but I really want to figure out what the problem actually IS, so I can stop spending money on things that I am not entirely certain will fix the problem. SO, to that end, I scheduled an appointment with a physical therapist. They will do a complete evaluation and make recommendations including orthotics if that is what is needed.

I had it scheduled for Wednesday morning, but that morning I was entirely unwilling to be without my phone right next to my ear for an hour (the whole Kailey thing), so I cancelled it. I am traveling to Vegas for work next week, so I now have it scheduled for Monday the 22nd.

I'll see about going today, but I'm not being too hard on myself for laying off it until I figure out what is going on with the hip.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

helllpppp meeee

I am still doing the blog thing for sure. The problem is I have nothing to blog about! I haven't gone. I am still getting up in the wee hours but instead of going I have been spending time with Vince. He says he will go with me but it's so nice just sitting and talking with him. Also, I don't have an iPod, which sucks way more than I ever thought it would. I still haven't told the girls.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I did another 3.5 last night, ran almost the whole way with a couple short walk breaks. Felt good.

Are we still doing the blog thing? Cause I would like it if we do. Even though no race planned right now its good to keep up.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Last night I did 3.5, and ran the whole thing at a good pace (didn't time it so not really sure on that but it felt good). I haven't gone since last Mon so clearly the new strategy not working. I just hate running first thing in the morning. I need time to get going. Anyway I'm not into forcing myself to go right now. But last night I really wanted to. And it was a great run. Feeling really good today.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Smaller and Better Things

Well I went 3.5 yesterday and I have to say, it was rough. I walked the last mile. But it was so nice to just be out for an afternoon job with my dog, no pressure, no deadlines, no major event looming. Just an afternoon stroll in the beautiful October sunshine.

I went again this morning and did 2. I have a new strategy I'm going to try out. I drop K at the bus stop at 7am, then J and I don't have to leave until 8:10. So after dropping K off I did a 2 mile route and got back in time to get ready for work and take J. Its a short run, but a good way to start the day because even though I was ravenously hungry this morning, I didn't want to get a big-ole fat muffin. I wanted a giant glass of tea and dry cereal at my desk.

My focus now is going to be on smaller distances and trying to do them faster. I don't want to do another half again until I feel like I'm really trained up for it and can run it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Shitty Day

I can't believe nobody has posted about the run!!!! It was long, difficult, painful. I finished in 3:02 which was hugely disappointing. I need to remember for next time that I must eat a substantial carb breakfast because I think that threw me. Anyhoo, I have been resting for almost two full weeks and it feels wonderful.

slow and painful 2

Not even quite 2, and a full minute slower pace than yesterday. I think it's all the sugar I have been eating the past couple days. I am going to see if I can not do that today... it's hard, I have pms, which is another reason the run was hard and slow.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Did 2.5 miles this morning. Without my ipod. 14.5 minute miles, how exciting! I went without my knee braces which was probably not the best idea. Nothing hurts but my right knee was a little touchy today. Probably I should just wear them.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sandy and I

did 2.28 miles, total time 28:36, 12:33 minute miles.

Ready for the race!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Well, this is really Mari and I did three on the treadmill at work.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It Wasn't Good People

I did 4 this morning in Denver. It was freezing. I did two in just shy of 24 min, so that was good, but the way home was almost all uphill and in total it took me 57 minutes. I walked most of the uphills. I did have some lung burn. I'm really focusing on hydrating to adjust to the altitude.

This is Sandy btw, just realized I'm posting as Mari.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

well . . .

I did two today. Intended on doing 6, but it wasn't to be. I had some stomach problems right before going, I think I must be dehydrated or something. When I went to switch treadmills I felt real dizzy, so I decided to call it quits. Could be bad for next weekend. But hell, it could be good. Only time will tell.

I was reading up on my training before the last half, and I did 10 miles the week prior. I pretty much crashed and burned the second half of that one. So maybe all the resting up before this one will do me better. Or, maybe it will suck. Either way, its getting done!!


My last long before the big day and I think I am as ready as I ever will be. My total time was 112:32, which is about 13:09 per mile. Good enough!!

Now, I will say this, just as some general advice and something I learned today. I started out the run in my sleeves with a tank top underneath. I ditched the sleeves when I got warm enough,which was around two or three miles. But then, around mile five a wind kicked up and it was pretty chilly and I was wishing I had my sleeves back. So, lesson being make sure you don't ditch your sleeves until you are absolutely CERTAIN you don't want them any more. And I think we should all three give Chris sweaters to bring to us at the finish line, since you might get pretty chilly again pretty darn quick after you stop running. It is going to be cool to cold here, not warm, so pack appropriately!

Saturday, October 9, 2010


I had set out to do 8, in Pinetop, as a last-ditch effort to prepare my body for the half. I drove up highway 260 towards McNary and planned my route. Well it took me 20 minutes to do the first mile, so I thought that would probably be my pace. I got to my landmark where I was supposed to turn around, and looked at my time, and it was 12 or 13 minutes under where it should have been. The first part was almost entirely uphill, with an elevation gain of 260 feet. In order to have that time, I would have to be doing 17-minute miles. And since the first mile took 20 minutes, I had to have been going even faster than that for the next 3. Also I was walking most of the time. So I decided it didn't make sense, and there must be 2 overturned construction signs on the side of the road, and I needed to keep going till the next one. So I kept going and didn't see anything and said fuck it, I don't care if I went less than 4! Then about the last 2 miles I just walked because my feet were hurting and I was just too tired. When I got back to my car, I drove what I actually walked, and it was 9.3 miles. Then even with the 2 miles of walking at the end, my time was still just barely over 18-minute miles.
Could losing 10 lbs make that much difference? I must have done something wrong.

Not an easy three

I did three, a tough and hilly three.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Total time 37:01, 12:59 miles. All good. I am mad at Chris because he made a comment to the dog this morning that it takes me longer to get ready to run than it does for me to run. Then, later in the morning he asked me if I was paying bills and I said "no, I only pay those on Tuesdays" and he was all "oh yeah, okay" with sort of a tone. So, I got mad again and said he was welcome to pay them any time he wanted if he had a better way and then he accused me of being "sensitive".

So, now my plan is to not speak to him for the rest of the day.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The good news is that I went. And, its also good news that I did 3.5. I guess by this point I can say that I skipped my last long run. I think I've done plenty of longs and frankly I just don't want to do another. I'm excited for the trip!!

Missy do you want to ask Lo if you can borrow her Traveling Blisters hat? So we can find each other?

4 Miles

Four miles on the treadmill this afternoon at work. All good, but it made me STARVING and now I'm going to get a pumpkin pie blizzard.

This is good stuff

Lifted from the Jeff Galloway blog:

The Choice is Yours

Posted: 05 Oct 2010 12:56 PM PDT

You can take control over your attitude, or you can let yourself be swayed by outside factors that will leave you on a motivational roller coaster: fired up one day, and down the next. Getting motivated on a given day can be sometimes as simple as saying a few key words and taking a walk.

1. Consistency is the most important part of conditioning and fitness.
2. Motivation is the most important factor in being consistent.
3. You gain control over your motivation - every day.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I did 3 today at the gym, indoor track. And, I have to say that whilst I dreaded going and was really quite grumpy about it, it wasn't so bad. You know how you can generally tell in the first few steps if its going to be a bad run or a good one? Well, I was expecting a bad one but my first few steps turned out generally light and somewhat bouncy, and I felt pretty good the whole 3 miles. And thank goddess because I've been feeling a bad exercise rebellion coming on. Just. Need. To. Get. Through. Next. Week.

I'm wondering if part of my misery is cause of my period. Do you guys find that its harder to run and/or get motivated when you're on your period?

Anyhoo, I think I will try 10 tomorrow night, and then only do 5 or 6 on Sunday.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Total time was 136:06, time per mile 13:15, which I think I can safely say will be my race pace, for the most part. Although I don't know, those last three miles might just do me in. These ten miles nearly did me in!


I only did 5 today. It was all I really wanted to do. I might try to do a long this week sometime.


I did a little more than 7 today, with 17:30-minute miles. As long as it's under 18 minutes, I'm good. I walked much of it. I would have liked to do more running at the end, it was mostly downhill, but I had to poop and jogging made it worse. So I walked with my cheeks pinched together.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I did 2 today. And I didn't even run the whole way. Pathetic.


If I am doing my math right I did 12:42 second miles. Not sure about that though. Total time was 43:26.

Getting geared up for my 10.2 tomorrow! Gotta get it done! I need to go to a goodwill store today or maybe walmart and pick up some cheap sweatshirt and long sleeve shirt so I can wear them tomorrow on my run and make sure it is all going to work.

I'm going to lose a bit of time, since I am going to have to drop the dog off when he is done and then finish up, but it won't be that much time, I'll just throw him in the house and keep going.

I'm trying to devise a ritual for the night before the race, do you guys want to do that? I'm thinking we could combine it with my family's thankfulness ritual, since it will be about that time.

Friday, October 1, 2010

I didn't go yesterday. And, I didn't go today. And, I really don't want to fucking go tomorrow.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


around the neighborhood this morning. 1:1 walk/run the whole way. yay!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

3 at gym

Today at lunch.

2 mile walk

I walked two miles this morning. I was on the verge of not doing it and deciding to do it at work, when I realized that my calendar is full today and I would have a very hard time fitting it in at work.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

lazy 3

After dinner. Felt like a fat man slogging along with giant belly in front of me. Felt my dinner every step of the way. Oh and the cookie I ate for dessert. Ugh. I'm sick of this shit.

3 Miles

I did three miles on treadmill at work today, so all is goodness. I always run the whole time on the treadmill now, no walking, which is pretty cool. I like getting three miles in in only about forty minutes, so I can do three miles in my hour lunch break, so I don't even have to feel guilty or justify a longer lunch break. Which should technically mean I could do it every day, but naturally it's not as easy as all that.

I'm thinking I'll cross train tomorrow, perhaps take a walk in the morning if I can manage to get my sorry ass out of bed. If not, I'll have the fall back of the exercise bike at lunch.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Remember the Name

I did 2.5 this morning, walking most of it. I started out with 1:1 ratio walking to running, then went to 2:1, then just walked. My time was 16:24 minute miles. I wore both knee braces and I really felt it in my calves. I think my stride must be really wanky when my knees aren't stabilized. Weird!!! The first song I listened to was Remember the Name, (thanks Mari) and I thought, it should really be 50% concentrated power of will. That's my biggest stumbling block!!
I have been listening to Rhythm of Love by the Plain White Tees, Magic by B.o.B, and Stuck Like Glue by Sugarland. I am getting really excited about the trip... making a list of things to pack and such! Marianne, since I am coming Friday morning, it doesn't matter if I check a bag right? I will have to see if they charge more for checking bags.
Here is an article that tells us all that not only are we completely insane and risking injury doing this nonsense, it is in no way shape or form helping anyone to lose weight.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Couch of Righteousness

Well, I have earned my spot on the couch of righteousness, as Marianne put it. I am freakin exhausted and in some significant pain. I did 10 miles at the gym. It was a wonderful surprise that the Cards game was on right when I got there, so I had something to keep me distracted along with my tunes. I did the first 5 in 63 minutes, and I did the incline at 2, 1.5, 1, .5 and 0. In retrospect, I'm not sure what possessed me to do that. I was feeling pretty good and I ran almost the whole 5, but was largely beat by the time I was done. Then I started my second 5. I did two running .4 and walking .1, and then had to take a poo break. Then it was halftime, so I did two on the track. And by this time I was really suffering. I was walking every 5th lap. The last mile I went back on the treadmill to watch the game, and I was truly suffering. I ran maybe half of it. But by the end I could hardly walk. I mean, it was really a struggle to keep walking the last quarter mile. Now I'm sitting on my bed watching the end of the game. I've already made plans to get take-out for dinner. Fuck my promises of making dinner. And fuck this shit, really. Why do we put our bodies through this? My feet ache. My legs ache. My hips ache. I'm not sure I can stand long enough to even shower.

Here's my convo with Marianne this morning, cause it makes me chuckle. And thank Goddess for the two of you, who keep me motivated and accountable on a daily basis. The only reason I'm able to drag my ass out again and again is the knowledge that you guys are fighting through this with me, and cheering me on.

Me: I didn't go yesterday. Didn't get outta bed early enuf. Having a really hard time thkng abt 10 at gym today. Did u go?
Mari: I went baby! 9.69 miles
Me: Ugh. I don't want to go :(
Mari: Just do it!! I did it. It was miserable and shitty. Just get it done! Then you can lay on the couch of righteousness.
Me: Haha! Couch of righteousness!
Mari: That's right! But no couch unless u put in ur miles!
Me: It will be ugly. But I will go. In the name of the couch of righteousness
Mari: Yrah!!N!Nn (I still don't know what this means Mari)
Me: And lo, I shall worship at the couch of righteousness
Mari: Hahaha! Nice one! Now get going!
Me: And the couch shall bring great comfort unto me!
. . . several hours later . . .
Me: I need more like a bed of righteousness
Mari: Ha!


Jesus great christ with crampy calves!! The stupid run got done, and that is nearly the best that can be said about it. I was doing just fine and even enjoying myself right up until around mile six, and the last three were just a bitch and no two ways about it.

The more short runs you do during the week, the better the long run is. I know this. Which is why I continue to surprise and kind of disgust myself with how well I ignore that basic fact.

But it got done. My time was 128:29, which is about 13:13 miles. Perfectly okay.

10 miles next week. Goddess help me be better prepared!

Also, just so you guys know, it was 48 degrees outside when I first started and that was around 7:00 AM. It will be colder than that by the time of the race, so you really need to plan on layers, probably three layers. That is what I plan on doing. Sweatshirt layer, long sleeve shirt layer, tank top layer. And the first two layers I need to go purchase at goodwill this week, so I can just leave them on the course. When I finished, two hours later, it was 67 degrees out, and the tank top definitely felt good.

hilly 4.5

I had signed up for a 4.5 miler at Sabino Canyon. It was an Everyone Runs event and there were about 300 people there. I haven't been going at all, so I decided to just walk. No pressure... just cross the damn finish line. That organization doesn't have time limits. I had bought a better knee brace for my right knee, so I had the other brace on my left knee. There were lots of walkers. The temperature was about 68 degrees when we started and the sunrise in the canyon was beautiful. It was so nice I forgot I wasn't wearing my ipod until about half a mile in. Even though I haven't been exercising I did get my food together and lost about 9 lbs so far. So the XL exercise pants that I bought and wore once were literally falling down. I had to take a safety pin from my bib and pin them to my underwear. Heehee!!! It was funny. I forgot to eat breakfast so I ate some sport jellybeans and thought, this is gonna be ugly. But it wasn't. My time probably would have been better if I had eaten, but even at the end of the walk I could have kept going, no problem. A couple of the hills were really steep. There were 7 hills on the course. I tried once to run down hill but my knee said what the fuck are you thinking??? So I didn't try that again. So I did about 18:30-minute miles. Yikes!!! I am thinking, I am going to start that half marathon. I am going to walk and if I can, I am going to run a little bit. If I get picked up by the sag wagon, so be it. If I can't finish and ask them to pick me up, so be it. I may not be able to finish but I can start. I will go as fast as my body will let me and then just let it be. What I won't do is give up.
I am worried about not being able to fit in the airplane seat.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

2 Lousy Miles

That's what I did today. I did my hilly route, so my lungs were a-burnin'!

Now I have to do 9.5 miles tomorrow and it is going to be miserable since I didn't prepare myself this week. Crappity crap crap!!

Friday, September 24, 2010


I did two at an incline on the treadmill today, then walked a cool-down half on the indoor track.

Tomorrow is posing a significant problem. I have to get my long in, but its looking to be really hot. I have K's football game tonight, and ASU game/K's homecoming tomorrow, so I really need to go in the morning. I'm thinking I'll run down to my gym the long way hopefully early enough that its not too hot, do another 4 miles inside (probably on the track) and then run home. That will be 10 miles. Ugh.

ONE MORE LONG AFTER THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and thats all I have to say about that.
I'm not having the best week. And I don't have many more weeks, I can't afford to not have the best week!!!!

I was planning on running this morning, but have not yet done so. Am now planning to go at work during lunch break, which has not been an option the rest of the week, since Chris is in Portland and I have been using my lunch breaks to go pick up Rachael from volleyball practice and then working from home the remainder of the day. I really underestimated how much of a problem it was going to be not having the work option available! I really can't count on myself to get up in the morning and go more than once a week, and I already did it once.

The other thing that has made me have a bad week is just how rotten I was feeling with that band being too tight for whatever reason and lots of reflux and not being able to eat without pain. BUT, I went to my new doc yesterday and she pulled some of the fluid out and now I am all better! She will order the upper GI to determine if there is an actual slip of the band, and if there is, she will remove ALL the fluid from the band for a period of time and then re-do the upper GI to see if it has fixed itself. The good news is she said in almost all cases like this, it fixes itself if you just remove the fluid, so the likelihood of having to get surgery is pretty low at this point. Thank goodness!

So, my plan is to go today on treadmill, tomorrow outside for a shorter run and then my long (9.5 I think) on Sunday. That will still be four times in the week, so I guess it's not all that bad.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I did 3.5 outside this morning, actually around 10. I decided it was cool enough outside instead of going to the gym. And it was HOT! Probably high 80's when I started but definitely felt in the 90's when I finished. Glad I did it though. I golfed on Tues in about 100 degrees, it was miserable. Last night I couched it.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

2 Miles

Meh. Would have done more, but had to call it in early since I had to poo.

I forgot to add, I had the craziest dream last night about the half marathon... the course looped us through some kind of school grounds, like a high school, and I had to stop to go to the bathroom and somehow managed to lose my shoes when I did that, and so I had my brown flip flops and I was running in my flip flops and freaking out thinking that I really shouldn't be trying to run a half marathon in flip flops! It was awful!

Monday, September 20, 2010


I did a fast paced 3 at the gym tonight. Didn't time myself. Taking tomorrow off.

Yesterday Jake asked me about this giant welt I have on my right foot arch. I said its a blister from running. And he goes "ah sisterhood of the traveling blisters!"

Sunday, September 19, 2010

swam a mile

Second day of crosstraining. Today is a bad food day though. I woke up to find I had mysteriously lost a couple pounds I've gained in the last month or so. And promptly went to Krispy Kreme. I ate two custard filled with a giant glass of milk. I had a protein shake for lunch before swimming and just now ate spinach dip with pita chips. Grilling hamburgers for dinner. Ugh.

"I can't run that slow and I can't walk that fast"

Okay, 9.21 miles, total time 121:08, which is 13:15 miles. It wasn't my best time, but I am proud of this run because I paced really really well, I went even though I really wasn't enthused about it, but because I did so well with pacing, I was able to enjoy almost the entire run, it was a good run and I felt good about it.

The title of the post is what Chris said to me yesterday when we got into a tiff about him running ahead of me and I was all "well, if you want to run with me, maybe you could try running WITH me and not ahead of me" and that title line is what he told me. It made me laugh.

Songs I have been enjoying lots while running these days, that you guys may not have on your lists:

1. "Going On" by Gnarls Barkley
2. "I'm Still Here" by Vertical Horizon
3. "All These Things That I've Done" by The Killers

Saturday, September 18, 2010


I rode my bike 10 miles tonight, it took me about 45 minutes. Was pretty good - I like riding my bike and its so good on my feet and ankles. Its a real thigh and butt burn.


I will try and do the long tomorrow, but haven't gone running since Tuesday, walked Wednesday and then didn't do anything Thursday or Friday, so I really wasn't ready for a long today.

The bigger issue is that I am really really scared that my band has slipped. I couldn't hardly eat or drink last night, the band is suddenly feeling too tight and I am having heartburn and reflux and those really aren't good signs at all.

If it doesn't clear itself up by tomorrow, I will go and see someone. But if the band slipped that requires surgery to fix, and that really would not be good news at all.

Friday, September 17, 2010


was my total distance tonight. I literally cannot tolerate the mental build-up to the long runs on the weekend, so I went tonight just to get it the hell outta the way. I only timed myself up to 9 miles (which turned out on google to be 8.8 dammit) and it was 2:01, which was pretty disappointing and about 13:30 miles I think, which kinda sucks. I ran pretty well with only short walk breaks for the first 7ish miles and then probably walked half of the rest. But, it was outside and a lot hotter than I've been used to, and my route has lots of nasty hills. And, I golfed yesterday for 5 hours in 107 degree heat, worked all day, and many other excuses. The good news is I'm done, only two more real longs to go, and I still have 4 weeks of training to improve before the race. It is different going outside, both from the treadmill and the indoor track. So probably some getting used to there. I'm going to do the rest of my longs outside and at least one other outside run every week.


I took yesterday off and did 3 this morning. My knee isn't real happy. I'm going to rest tomorrow (sort of, I'm teaching) and then do 6 on Sunday.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

does golfing count as crosstraining?

Cause that's all I did today. Then had to go to Ks football game. No time for anything else. Probably shouldn't have taken yesterday off I guess.

Walked 2

After work. I had meant to go at work, but didn't. But I'm totally counting it.

I again plan to go at work today.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

3, 1.8

Yesterday morning I did 3 and today I did 1.8. I bought a knee brace and it made a huge difference in how my knee felt for the rest of the day. I forgot to wear it this morning but it was a short run so hopefully my knee won't bother me today.
I am still having a hard time with my food and work isn't going well. So the stress level is kind of high. However it was absolutely beautiful out this morning and I'm going to focus on the good things.
I can't go after work... it just doesn't work for me! Mornings are my groove. But like we always say, if you go, you win. No matter what time it is or how far you go. Good luck next week Marianne, let me know if I need to text you and give you some ass kicking motivation!
Tomorrow I hope to do 3 but I have a really long day today with parent orientation for my second job at Pima. So we'll see... I should still be home by 7 so it's not like I won't get enough sleep.


Did three treadmill miles. First mile at no incline, second two miles at 1%. All good. I am going to do the bike today, 45 minutes at lunch break. I'm having a real hard time getting up in the morning to get exercise in. It is starting to be darker in the mornings, and I just don't want to do it! I should do it more often, though, since often my plan is to go at work but then I get real busy or some stupid crisis erupts and I end up skipping it at work and then I just don't go at all.

Anyways, three miles.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I had a pretty decent outside run tonight. 3.5 miles in 40 min which is about 11:40 min miles I think. Not as fast as I hoped, but not bad considering I had eaten dinner just an hour earlier - a grilled lean hamburger and wheat bun followed by frozen yogurt. So yah, pretty full.

Monday, September 13, 2010

burned the f out

I did 30 min on the bike at the gym today, 6 mi. First time I've tried that. Kindof a refreshing change but honestly I'm just sick of it all. I keep telling myself these are the hard times you just have to push through. And, it was only a week ago that I did 9 awesome miles. So. There's that.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

well, that was ugly

I did get my 7 in, although in a somewhat unconventional way. I was having knee and ankle pain after my 3 yesterday. I think maybe because the surface of the indoor gym is so much harder than I'm used to. So anyway I decided to start on treadmill. I did 4 at decreasing inclines but was so wiped I walked almost the whole 4th mile. Then I did 2 on the elliptical. Then the last mile on the track alternating walking/running laps. I am so wiped. I think my body is telling me I need time to adjust so I'm glad I dialed it back.

7.41 Miles

Time was 95 minutes (actually it was 94:56 if you want to be technical, but I did the math based on 95). So, my time was 12:49 miles. WOOT! I did go pretty fast. It was tough, but I pushed myself a bit, knowing that I was only planning to do the 7.4.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

2 Miles

You know what I did today? I just went out and went. No interval timer, no stopwatch, just ran when I wanted to and walked when I wanted to. Good times and a refreshing change which was nice since I am feeling so burned out on this crap.

I had always planned to do my long tomorrow, so that is what I will still do. I think I am going to do 13 loops, which is 7.4 miles.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

went at lunch today and I was pretty bitter about it. I decided to do treadmill for as long as I felt like it, which turned out to be a mile slowly run at 2 percent and one walked at 1 percent. And instead of biking last night I went to a sports bar and had a quesadilla. Then I came home and promptly ate 3 oatmeal crEme pies. I've been eating like crap!!

I guess I will try to crosstrain tomorrow before my long on Sat. I think I'm going to do 7.

fingers crossed for today

I am tutoring today after school, and then I am going to try real hard to cross train for at least 30 minutes on the exercise bike. My biggest barrier is hunger. I am so starving by the time the work day ends, all I can think about is eating. Most of the time I can't even make it home and I stop and get something. Never a good thing! I have tried packing a big ol' sandwich and eating it after the bell rings and it holds me off for maybe an hour, which makes me think it's partly emotional eating. But my stomach is growling so I don't know... maybe I'm not getting enough fluids during the day. I have also tried eating more calories during the school day and that didn't help. Anyway keep your fingers crossed for me that I can do this. They won't let the teachers get there before 7:30 so I can't do it before work, which would be ideal. But they do let us stay till 7:30, which is not.

Update: I tried and tried. The room where the bikes and stuff are kept was locked. I knocked, nobody answered. I started to leave, got to the parking lot, found the principal, walked all the way back, and his key didn't work. I got to the parking lot again and found the assistant principal, walked back, and his key didn't work. I was walking back to the parking lot and found the nurse, who said she had a key. It didn't work but a little girl opened the door from the inside, where the principal's secretary was walking on the treadmill, with a LOT of kids in tow. I said cool! and went into the bathroom to change. This was when I realized that I didn't bring any water. I thought, I will just take a break every five minutes and go to the drinking fountain. So I put on my pants, socks, shoes, bra, and was all the way to the bottom of my workout bag, where there was no shirt. So I said fuck it. Put my work pants on over my workout pants, put my work shirt on over my power bra, and burned rubber.


Did three treadmill miles yesterday. Ran all of it (other than first three minutes to warm up) AND did 1% incline for the last two miles. It was tough and sweaty, but I felt good about it. I am thinking I'll do the bike today for just a half hour. I should have gotten up and walked or ran this morning, but just didn't do it.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

tough 3

Did a tough 3 miles this morning. I went up and back on Escalante heading east, so there are hills. My knees are not too happy. The traffic wasn't too bad and the temperature was bearable. So nice run overall but it was hard - 16 minute miles.

On Crosstraining - I dig this, and its really effective in my experience

The Case For Cross Training
Published: Sep 1st 2010 9:09 AM EDT by Running
High volume doesn’t always have to mean high mileage.

Written by: Courtney Baird

There are no real secrets when it comes to improving your running. To get faster, you run. A lot.
Just look at the best runners in the world—they consistently run 100-plus mile weeks during their heaviest training blocks. Look at the resurgence of American distance running. What sparked it? American runners committed themselves to training like the Kenyans and running more miles.

The only problem is that most of us aren’t built like Dathan Ritzenhein and Ryan Hall, and we can’t handle the injury-inducing beating that comes from 100-mile weeks.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t adopt a similar level of volume into our training regimen—as long as we do it with cross-training. I’ve been a big believer in cross-training ever since I began running 15 years ago. While I’ve had my fair share of injuries and illnesses, I believe that if I had solely focused on running throughout my career, I would have never known what it was like to experience an injury-free season.

This is because when I started running, it only took two months before I had seriously injured my arch. Back then, I only ran and did nothing else. The injury forced me to reevaluate my training and, on the advice of a very smart coach, I decided to reduce my running miles and replace them with cycling, swimming and stairmaster workouts. Once I did this, I was able to make it through my entire high school career without another injury.

The reasoning behind my decision was this: real improvement requires years of consistent training. With cross-training, I was able to build up to the equivalent of 60-to 80-mile weeks by the end of high school without the injury-inducing pounding of actual 80-mile weeks. Because of this, I was able to improve more than I ever could have if I had only run. When I got to college, I tried to pile on the miles and do away with much of the cross-training. It wasn’t long before my shin splints got so bad that I couldn’t run any more.

While there aren’t a lot of studies that specifically address the effect cross-training has on running performance, there are a few promising ones out there. For example, in 1993, scientists at Cal State Northridge had one group of athletes train for five weeks by running only or by alternating running and cycling each day. The intensity levels of the two training regimens were equivalent. After five weeks, the scientists found that there was no significant difference between either group’s 5,000-meter and mile run times and VO2 max numbers.

Scientists at the University of New Mexico had similar results in a study they did on untrained females in 1996, seeing no significant difference in the aerobic benefits of running, cycling and combined running and cycling regimens. Additionally, a 1997 study at the University of Toledo found that competitive runners could maintain their running fitness for four weeks with only aqua jogging.

There is anecdotal evidence, as well. Oregon’s Jordan Hasay, quite possibly the best high school runner ever, has often been quoted in interviews saying that she supplements her running with swimming.

Of course, no one will ever tell you that aqua jogging and cycling can replace running. But, such activities can be great supplements to running for those of us who get injured with high mileage. What’s more, cross-training can be a great recovery tool. After a hard run, one of the best methods of recovery that I have found is to drink a protein shake, stretch a little, let the shake digest a bit, and then get on a bike and spin—very easily—for 20 to 40 minutes. This activity pumps nutrient-rich blood through my muscles and stimulates healing.

Who knows, perhaps with the aid of cross-training, you can run a marathon faster than you ever thought possible.

The best advice I've read

This guy's question was whether increasing his long by one mile per week is safe in preparing for a half marathon. He's currently at a 10k long.

For the athletes I coach, I like to prescribe training in four-week cycles. As a general rule of safe practice, I’ll increase the length of one’s longest run of the week by no more than 15 percent for three consecutive weeks before pulling it back a few miles in the fourth week. The body needs a chance to adapt to the increased level of stress being placed upon it, so reducing your long run and cutting back on your overall mileage every fourth week or so in a given training cycle is an effective way to do just that and will also lessen the likelihood of injury.

In your case, I’d cover 7.2., 8.2, and 9.2 miles for your long run each of the next three weeks, then cut it back to 6.2 miles the fourth week. At the start of the next cycle, pick back up where you left off, starting at 9.2 miles, then upping it to 10.2 and 11.2 before dialing it back to 8.2 miles in Week 8. On the third four-week go-around, start at 11.2 miles, then 12.2 and before you know it, in less than 12 weeks you’ve safely worked your way up to covering the half marathon distance.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

the thing about running is . . .

Running or any other kind of exercise I guess. You can't just sit back and rest on your laurels admiring your success. You can't take a day off righteously because you had a great workout the day before. You. just. have. to. keep. going. and. go. again. and. again.

I was righteously justifying in my mind today why I was just NOT GOING TO FUCKING GO today. Shit, I did 5 yesterday dammit!!!! But then, I recognized that the reason I could do 5 is that I just go every day after day after day. So I just went. And I was pretty pissy about it. And I didn't time myself. But I did end up doing 3 miles on the indoor track, which was just fine with me.

My calves hurt. But I'm glad I went. Crosstraining tomorrow.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Best Dreadmill Run EVER!!!!

Such a weird day. I decided to do the treadmill given how fatigued I was after my 9 mi run on Sat, and I also want to make sure I keep hills in my routine because I think that makes up for some of the altitude problem I'll have (yes, I've created that exclusively in my own mind, no scientific basis). And, I was thinking I'm just going to take it real easy and do what I want. In fact, I almost swam instead, but decided I should run since I've just had a day of rest. Anyway, I started out on my 12 min pace at 2% and just felt so damn good that after a mile I only reduced it to 1.5%. Still felt pretty damn good so after that mile I went down to 1% and started thinking I need to do 4 instead of the 3 I envisioned. Getting a little fatigued but still strong, I reduced to .5% for the 4th mile. And in my head I had already crafted THIS post where I would tell you that I ran 5 full miles on the treadmill, all but 1 at an incline. So, I had to do 5. AND . . . wait for it . . . I did it in 60:18 (12:03ish miles). Which isn't great on the ground but given my treadmill history its freakin awesome!!!! And it was double the incline I ever do (normally I do 3 miles and 2, 1, and 0 respectively). And after all I've read, I'm quite convinced that this 5 miles is equivalent to 5 outside, and probably 5 with some hills outside. And, I didn't walk at all. So there's that.

I really don't know what to make of this so soon on the heels of the 9 I did. I think maybe my recent success has to do with the fact that I'm eating pretty well. Decent amout of protein and complex carbs. But maybe that's just in my head. Also, I've been doing 5x a week, and I think that's probably the biggest factor in helping me advance. A lesson I need to learn over and over again, that consistency is key to improvement.

Oy vey, can I get some advil up in here

I mapped out a 6-mile course from Escalante to Old Spanish Trail, sort of through part of the Saguaro National Monument. I wrote down the directions on a piece of paper, which I promptly lost. So my 6 miles turned into 7.5 because I got lost. It was very slow. There was trudging, whining, and nearly a phone call to Pete to pick my ass up. But I made it, and I did under 18-minute miles, which is good enough for me. I will not have time to taper and I definitely plan to get a 10 under my belt before the race. I will have to be careful not to overdo it. I did a lot of walking today and my knees feel pretty ok! I ate 2 margarita flavored shot-bloks every half hour, and drank a muscle milk light before and after the walk.
Marianne you made me laugh when I read your text.

It got done

9 miles. 9.12 to be exact. Time was 2:01:31. Which is 13:18 miles, right? That sounds right. Feels right. I did okay. Shortened two of my running intervals by thirty seconds or so, but otherwise just pushed on through. My lungs are still tighter than they should be, if you know what I am saying. Not as bad as yesterday, though, so I am going on the assumption that I am either sick or fighting off some sickness. I feel okay right now, though. My calves are a bit tight, but I'm sure they will get over it.

Question: Will there be spittoons on the race course? Because I am like a spitting machine. It's not making a very good impression on the neighbors, I am sure.

You guys just let me know what you are doing for the next weeks until the race, I'll follow suit. But Sandy, I just don't know about not doing more than a 9 mile long run. That is FOUR miles short of the race! And I just don't know if I can even do it! These 9 miles wore me OUT!

Going to lay down now.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Death on a stick

Is what I feel like this morning. Muscles stiff and aching, headache, and a little nasal congestion. I hardly slept last night because of how stiff my legs and hips are after doing 9 yesterday. I feel like I did after the half earler this year! So I want to be careful that I'm not pushing too hard and compromising my immune system before the race. Like an idiot, I rushed home after my run yesterday and went to the ASU game without even eating. I drank four beers and had nasty greasy chicken fingers and fries for dinner (protein, ya know). I didn't spend the evening hydrating and resting, which I'm sure accounts for my headache this morning. And as I tried to run to make that yellow light my legs were hollering at me. The game was so freakin hot I was literally dripping sweat, back sweat, bra sweat, butt sweat.

Anyway, I did the 9 on the indoor track in 107 minutes which is just shy of 12 min miles (11:50 something?). I ran the whole first five but I didn't have my watch so wasn't timing. I had to take a break after 6 to crap, and my time was 68 min, which I was pretty happy with. The last four miles I walked every 5th lap, which is 20%, and I was in full run/walk mode through the whole 9 (as opposed to last week when I walked every other lap on the 9th and treated it as a cool down).

So I feel good about my effort and great about where I am in the training schedule with two 9's under my belt and 5 weeks left to go. Just need to figure out how to best finish out the 5 weeks with appropriate taper, etc.

Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This

Okay, I tried to do nine this morning and it just was not happening. Went about two. My chest is hurting, my breathing would not settle, it was just awful. I keep thinking I must be getting sick, since I can't think of any other reason why breathing would suddenly become such an obstacle for me, but I keep not getting sick, so I just don't know. I will try again tomorrow. I don't have to be at work until 2:00 in the afternoon, so I will give it another shot. Chris is going on some huge 10 mile hike, so I will have nothing but time at home.

The last two long runs I have tried to do without having my one cup of coffee. Instead, I have done a five hour energy. It hasn't worked out well. So, tomorrow I will go back to my cup of coffee, risk of peeing be damned! Maybe the coffee has some kind of effect on lungs? Or maybe I am just too damn dehydrated in the morning to expect my body to run this long. I will say that I have not been focusing enough on fluids during my regular days for the past two weeks, and I am usually really good about that. Maybe dehydration is a cumulative thing? Maybe if you haven't had enough hydration the days leading up to a long run, it makes the long run harder? Is that your guy's experience?

The other thing I will say is that my diet for the past two weeks has been for SHIT. I haven't gained any weight, but I have NOT been eating well, if you know what I am saying. Frozen pizza for dinners and deli sandwiches for lunch. Not enough fruits or veggies. I am always reading experts who say that you should be eating well while training and I always dismissed them. I hate it when people I disregard turn out to be right! It's my least favorite thing! So, next week I'll try and focus more on eating well along with getting my short runs and cross training in. Salads for lunch! Protein shakes for snack! These are the things that make me feel well.

Anyways, I'll be giving it another go tomorrow morning, wish me luck.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

3 mi in 30:11

Only two, not four

I only did two miles today, not four. But there were hills. Lots of them and some are rather steep on this route. My time was 25:25, so I was pretty happy about that. I'm thinking now that I probably should have done more, but oh well. Now the question is what to do tomorrow and when to do my long. I'll have to think on it.

I'm worried about myself because my chest is kind of tight and there has been this nasty stupid cold going around my office, and I really hope I'm not getting it. That would suck!

down again

Ok, so I am crashing again. Haven't been able to make myself do anything except eat. The only time I feel decent is when I am at work with the kids. I will see Dr. Saeed on Saturday. I am reaching out, emailing people and asking if they want to meet for dinner and such. When I do that it's so hard not to cancel. So that's where I am. :(

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I did walk this morning, two miles. It was cold and dark. Stupid Colorado.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I do believe I am back

Did three miles on the treadmill today. Ran all of it, except for the first three minutes, which were a warm up walk. I didn't do any incline! I am now opposed to inclines! Because why bother?!? Hahaha. It was good, though. I wanted to go, I didn't have to talk myself into it or go through any sighing or kvetching about it, I just went and did it. That's why I think I'm back, done with my rest and feeling good about things again. Here's hoping it lasts!

Anyhoodle, I think I'll take a walk tomorrow morning. I'm going to do about four miles on Thursday, with hills! Outdoor HILL training! WOOT!

2 at lunch

and I did the treadmill today because I don't want to lose that edge I've gained by doing it at 2%!! And plus I felt my joints could use a break after all this sudden road running. It was a bitch, I must say. It really feels like much more of a leg workout than normal running. I will say though that I can feel the sides of my knees and calves working more, which would be the "stabilizing" muscles they reference. From running on the road, the back of my calves, just above the achilles tendon, is sore on both sides. Weird.

Another interesting post

Here's another interesting post that concludes treadmill is easier, but not by much, and its scientifically backed as well.

Treadmill vs Outdoor Running
Home › Blogs › Phil Stewart's blog
There are two types of people in this world: those who run on treadmills, and those who run outside. I’m 32 and I have never run on a treadmill until a month ago when I did a fundraising run with a group of others at my gym.

Now I’m no long-distance runner, but I was able to run for an hour and a half without any trouble at all on the treadmill that day (despite almost falling off twice when my feet landed on the frame rather than the belt).

It sure felt like treadmill running was easier than outside running. And a few people have since agreed with my suspicion. But what is the truth? Is it easier to run on a treadmill or run outside? And why? Let’s find out shall we.

It’s all about the energy required to move. What is the difference in energy expended for outdoor running, when you have to propel yourself forward on stationary ground, compared to treadmill running, where you have a moving belt underneath your feet?

Here are the influencers on required energy:


There is no wind-resistance when treadmill running, but obviously when outdoor running you are having to push your body through stationary air. The difference is significant: when you are outdoor running at 4.0 m/s, about 5% of your total energy goes into just overcoming wind resistance.

Wind resistance is dependant on body size


What about the differences in the actual biomechanics of treadmill running compared to outdoor running? Now we can get into some details and actually look at the science behind why treadmills are easier.

A lot of research has been done to compare treadmill running to outdoor running over the last 30 years. Below are summaries of the key results:

Stride Length and Rate

A study by Elliot, B.C., Blanksby, B.A. Medicine and Science in Sports looked at these two factors.

No significant differences were recorded in stride length, stride rate, support time or non-support time on a treadmill compare to outdoors for men or women when jogging at velocities of between 3.3 and 4.8 m/s.

As speeds of running increased over 4.8 m/s on a treadmill compared to outdoors: stride length decreased, stride rate increased, and the length of time the support leg is on the ground increased.

So at these higher speeds you are taking shorter strides and getting longer ‘rest’ time each time one of your legs is on the ground. This is countered however by an increased number of strides per minute.

What does this mean in terms of energy use? At higher speeds the greater ‘rest’ time and shorter stride suggests less energy requirement. But an increased rate of stride suggests greater energy requirement. And at low speeds it’s all about the same.

Let’s conclude this by saying that stride length and rate is not a significant factor in our energy equation.

Propelling Your Body

This is the kicker here. The main difference between treadmill running and outdoor running lies in how your legs have to carry your upper body.

Outdoor running, your leg muscles mostly work on propelling you forward. Treadmill running, because the belt is moving under you, your leg muscles mostly work at re-positioning your legs to keep you stable.
This affects how much work your individual leg muscles need to do.

Treadmill running, the rearward moving belt decreases the need to pull your upper body forward and so requires less work from your hamstrings than outdoor running. However, your hip flexors (right at the top-front of each leg) have to work harder to provide stability as your planted foot is dragged back (literally) under your body.

(Source: Dave Schmitz PT, LAT, CSCS, PES Health Services at Columbia)

So in treadmill running we have a situation where the hamstrings are less-used and the hip flexors are more used than when outdoor running. This will have an influence on energy output. Hamstrings are b-i-g muscles in the overall scheme of your body – in fact, they are your biggest of all muscles. They use up a lot of energy to expand and contract during each stride. Hip flexors are much smaller and so would intuitively require less energy to squeeze in and out.

Studies estimate that the energy expenditure required by your leg muscles is 3% greater for outdoor running over treadmill running (running at 4.0 m/s).

We use our legs in different ways on a treadmill

Total Energy Difference

Combine this with our knowledge that overcoming wind resistance outdoor running requires a 5% increased effort (at 4.0 m/s)

And the end result is running at 4.0 m/s you can expect to be working somewhere around 8% harder outdoor running than treadmill running.

So how can you make treadmill running require the same level of energy use as outdoor running?

A 1996 study in the Journal of Sports Science – taking into account the above factors – concluded that a 1% treadmill grade most accurately reflects the energetic cost of outdoor running.

So if you want to match the energy required outdoor running, put your treadmill on a 1% incline.

Other Factors

Aside from energy expended, there is one important factor that makes treadmill running easier than outdoor running:

The treadmill surface is always softer than a hard sidewalk or road surface. That makes it a whole lot easier on all your joints, and without joint pain you can run for longer and be much happier about doing it.

Let’s see. If you set your treadmill to a 1% incline you’re going to get the benefits of the same energy output (and so calories burnt) as outdoor running, plus your joints will be much better protected.

The Mental Challenge

There is one aspect, not related to energy requirements, that effects how easy your run will be.

As I see it, being distracted when running makes things a whole lot easier. Distractions include listening to music or watching tv while you workout. When you focus on something else rather than your body, you don’t notice your body so much. This helps to alleviate any running discomfort. This is why running with someone or in a group is much easier than running by yourself. There is no better way to distract you from what you are doing than my conversing with someone.

Listening to music distracts from effort

But focusing on external distractions can also take away from the actual intensity that you can go to and the overall exertion that you feel. And sometimes (most of the time) actually feeling that effort and intensity is a large part of the fun. Like for my daily 1 km time-trials (which I’ve been experimenting with since the motorway run) I run without my ipod so I can focus exactly on the level of exertion on my body.

To wrap this all up, we can say that treadmill running with distraction (people, tv, music) is going to feel easiest and require slightly less energy. Outdoor running with no music is going to feel hardest, but you will benefit from expending more energy (and likely burning more calories).

I always say make it easy for yourself to get your exercise done. Obviously easy for you is different to easy for a professional triathlete. Just be clear on what level of effort you want to reach at each run and do whatever it takes to reach it.

Source: Body Transform

Monday, August 30, 2010

lunch run

Today I did four at lunch. 43:48 was my time, so about 10:58 min miles. I actually ran the last lap I was going to walk because I saw I had a shot at sub-11 min miles. The first two miles were good but I'm going too fast, I did them in 10 min each. I've decided its probably because my first two treadmill miles I do on a 2% incline, so maybe I'm putting in the same effort and that makes me faster? I don't know but I'll take it. Except I need to learn to pace myself again so I don't burn out before the end.

Update: Did some reading today on the differences between treadmill and road running and there really doesn't seem to be any consensus on which is harder/better. Many say to put the treadmill at 1% incline to make up for lack of wind resistance, and I've been doing 2% then 1%. But then read below, implies treadmill may be harder?
Many people claim that you have to add a 1% incline on treadmills in order to make treadmill running equivalent to road running - due to the lack of air resistance inside. However, there is also evidence that refutes this claim purporting it to be a myth; stating that air resistance is negligible and only factors at speeds close to sprinting.

"Although over-ground running creates air resistance, such resistance brings an added aerobic demand only at velocities considerably faster than those routinely used in our evaluations. According to the studies of Pugh (1970), the effect of air resistance starts to increase O2 consumption measurably only at faster paces."

Thus by adding a 1% incline, you could in fact be making treadmill running harder than road running!? (On a flat surface with normal weather conditions).

Other evidence claims that treadmill running could also increase muscular demands, and require a higher stride frequency for equal distances.

"Reporting in Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise, researchers evaluated the kinematics and biomechanics of treadmill running and determined that running on a treadmill increases the muscular demands made on hip flexors and knee extensors. The authors concluded that treadmill running might improve sprint times due to the extra effort of those key muscles. Other studies have shown that the treadmill requires a higher stride frequency because the treadmill pushes the rear leg forward and the advancing leg must plant more quickly. As a result, a faster cadence and shorter stride produces more steps per mile and the cardiovascular demands of running may be higher on a treadmill than outdoors at the same pace."

Sunday, August 29, 2010


I wasn't going to go today but I was feeling ok this afternoon so I went to the gym and swam a half mile. It was a pretty slow and lazy half mile, but a half mile nonetheless. And interestingly enough I feel better this evening.

Missy, my point in asking that question was because I'm worried you're going to try to do too much too fast and end up hurting yourself. You can argue its none of my business, but I think it is my business because that's why we set up this blog, right? To support and encourage each other?

oh I forgot

I wanted to tell you guys about the wildlife! I found that the loop around Pete's neighborhood is almost 1.5 miles, so I run that loop. This morning when I got out there it was still dark and I had forgot my light that I clip on the bill of my cap. So I was just starting out and thought I saw a dog in the driveway of a house ahead of me but it was weird because it was standing completely still. As I got closer it ran away and I saw that it was a javelina! Then I saw another one run away. Then I started noticing all the overturned garbage bins and trash strewn all over the street, and javelinas running away from me every couple of houses. There were probably 7 to 10 of them in all, I lost count. But every time I went past all those overturned garbage cans I had to laugh! They weren't scary... maybe they would have been, had it been light out and I could really see them.
Sandy that question made me pretty cranky but I'm going to answer it. I walked maybe 2 or 3 of the minutes that should have been running. Otherwise I kept to the 1:1 ratio the whole time.

15 Loops

8.55 miles, total time 113:32, which is 13:16 miles. And I feel like I really earned every second of that time! I knew I was going much slower than I had been, and it was really a tough run, I have to say. I'm just glad I got through it. I did run all my intervals, I kept giving myself permission to walk through one or two if that is what I needed to do, but I never did. But I know that through some of them I wasn't running any faster than I was walking. I couldn't find those shot blocks at any of the stupid stores I was at yesterday, I guess you have to go to a running store for them. So, I bought these disgusting gel things, and I did two of those through my run plus a quart of G2. I didn't like the gels nearly as much as I liked the blocks, so I'll just have to go to the running store and stock up, I guess.

So, I guess the lesson is that when you skip your short runs, you can still do your long, but it will be much harder and you will likely be much slower. Is that you guy's experience?

It seems like I had tons more to say, but I guess I can't remember any of it. I'm going to go lie down now. For the rest of the day, I think.


I did 6 today and averaged 16.5-minute miles. Good enough.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Today I did 9 miles on the indoor track at my gym. That's 135 laps. I ran the first 3 but when I looked down at my watch it hadn't been timing me, which pissed me off, so I started the timer on mile 4. I did mile 4 in 10:18 which really doesn't seem right to me, as I had been walking every 5th lap. I did that for 5 more miles, and that 5 miles took me 56:23. Really doesn't seem right. I wonder if the track measure is off when you go that far? Anyway, the last mile I walked every other lap and treated it as somewhat of a cool down, and didn't time it. I was beat though.

So, if I credit the first 3 miles at 10 min 30 sec, and the 5 at 56:23 that is a total of 87:13. I am too tired to figure out that math but seems just shy of 11 min miles. 10:54? I don't get how I'm going this fast, I think there must be some mistake.

happy hour

I went to happy hour with dad and his idiot wife last night, so I didn't go this morning. I am planning to go 5 tomorrow and will probably walk most of it. Dad started his treatments Thursday and he says they are fine but the place is always running behind. He says the machine zooms in and out, and circles his body and stuff like that, and he says it makes him feel like he is in Star Wars. Which really made me laugh. He gave $20 to a homeless guy on the street the other day, so I think he is really changing his views about life.
I did two easy treadmill miles yesterday, ran almost the entire thing, but ran slowly. Today I walked a fast two miles, which was so nice and peaceful and made me really glad I had gone. But I went later in the day (I just got back and it is 9:00) and man, it was hot out there! I only walked two miles and I am sweating like a mountain goat on the beach! But I went later because this morning I woke up with a splitting headache. I think it might have been a migraine. I never got migraines before I moved here! But I was real sick to my stomach and I was real hot and sweaty and then I got chilled because all the sweat, it was just awful. But my coffee and some ibuprofen took care of it really quick, so maybe it isn't a migraine? I don't know, I just know it was awful.

Anyhoodle, my plan is to go ahead and do my long as planned tomorrow, 15 loops which will be 8.55 miles. I'm going to go slow and I am also going to try to do six shot blocks throughout the run (the previous two times I have used those I have only done three), and instead of having a cup of coffee prior to leaving (which always makes me worry I am going to have to pee), I am going to do a five hour energy, and all this along with my G2 that I always drink. So, here's hoping lots of caffeine, electrolytes and carbs will make up for not doing my short runs this week!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The fact of the matter is

That I have had a very bad week, running wise. Have not gone since my last long on Saturday. Had every good intention of going today at work, but didn't. So, now I am trying to figure out what to do. I don't particularly care to push myself to do the fifteen loops, which is what I am supposed to do this week, since I haven't done my short runs.

I am thinking that perhaps I will do a short run tomorrow, do a walk on Saturday and then do another 14 loops on Sunday? Or maybe even just 12 loops and then try to get back up to the fifteen next week? That sounds good. I mean, I don't think I need to panic or anything, I just had an off week.

3 this morning

and boy are my legs pissed

Cooler than I thought

Today at lunch I did 3 miles in 30 minutes, or 10 minute miles. I can't recall when or if ever I've run that fast. And the weird thing is, I was driving over there saying to myself that I'm really tired and I just biked last night and while my goal was 3 miles I will quit after two or even one if I feel too fatigued.

So also, I had decided to do the run on the track, because treadmill training just isn't going to cut it this late in the game, and I've discovered that its really not too bad running 45 times around it. The loops are so small that they just seem very easy, so its fairly easy to keep going.

Anyway, I just started out at a normal pace and thought I may do run/walk in mile 2 or 3. And at the end of my first mile I glanced at the clock and realized that I was near a 10 min/mile pace. And feeling decent. So I kept running at the same pace, and the longer I went the more convinced I became that I could do it in 30 min. And I did!

Also, I had a protein shake for breakfast this morning, which I never do, so I'm wondering if maybe that contributed to the energy I had? Plus it wasn't on the godawful treadmill, which is so awesome. I don't know that I will ever run on the treadmill again now that I have discovered the awesomeness of the indoor track. It stays pretty cool in that area, not gasping sweaty hot like the treadmill area gets. And, the training is much more applicable.

It just goes back to consistency and how important that is. You have to do your mid-week runs regardless of the fact that you just did 8 miles on Sat!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

My. Legs. Ache.

I did 8 today, 5 on the treadmill and 3 on the indoor track. It was really hard. I can say that this blog is so very helpful for me, because I know I would have quit earlier except that I knew I couldn't post here that I didn't do 8 miles.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


saving my long for tomorrow. And I would like to say that I REALLY REALLY REALLY DON'T FUCKING WANT TO DO IT!!!!!

On another note, its interesting going to the gym kinda happy knowing I "only" have to do 3 miles.

Okay Peeps

Here's the deal. I drove at least some of the course, the downtown part. It was a big pain in the ass, and I probably won't do it again. But I must tell you, what I saw was completely FLAT. I truly and honestly don't believe there is anything serious in the way of hills to be concerned about on the course.

Also, I drove my loop. My car only records tenths of miles, not hundredths, but from what I can tell, the gmaps pedometer is correct. It might be a little bit over, if the car is to be believed, like maybe it is .55 rather than .57 according to the car, but the way I figure it if you are getting down to those details, the gmaps is just as likely to be correct as the car, they are both just computers.

And it doesn't matter that much in any case, the bottom line is, I am on pace to finish this stupid thing way faster than I had anticipated. So assuming I don't crash and burn right about now, I should be fine. My plan is to increase my loops by one each week until the race, which should get me up to 21 in the best case scenario. But I might hold it to 20 and just do that twice, we'll have to see.

Also, I really really want this


Miles. I know, I should probably have just done a little more and made the 8, but whatever. I am increasing my .57 loop by one loop every week and that is what this week worked out to. Time was 1:43:26, which is 12:57 miles, if I am doing my math correctly. Which is cool. I knew I was going a bit slower than last week, in fact, I was kind of trying to. I am suspicious of my loop, though. I just don't see how I am going this fast. I am going to drive it today and see what my car says. Then again, if I find out that it is only a .5 mile loop instead of .57 or something, then my whole weeks of training are off, and I might be pretty darn disappointed. But, I'll do it anyway.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Did 2.85 miles outside this morning. Total time was 36:29 which is 12:42 miles if I am doing my math right. Coolio.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I could really use a wish right now

I just did 3.2 and ran/walked the whole way. It felt a lot better than it did on Tuesday. I have today and tomorrow off work so I can move... I am going to skip the exercise tomorrow and then try to do 4 on Saturday morning.
I'm just not seeing how I can do this half marathon. Best case scenario, I get up to 8 miles on my long, the week before the half.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I rock

Have to post about today's run. Was going to be a normal treadmill day, was not expecting anything to report..... so, I go down to the gym and I am really not wanting to go at all, the only reason I went is because I knew I would feel better if I did and I was sick of being in the office anyway. So, I go down and I'm all telling myself "well, I'm going to go slow because I don't care and I don't want to be here anyway and I'll probably only do three miles, not four like I usually do". So, I walk the first three minutes, like I always do and I am trying to decide what intervals I want to do. I settle on 3:4 intervals and at the three minute mark I put the treadmill up to 4.5 miles per hour. I typically do the run intervals on the treadmill at 4.8 or 5.0 depending on how I am feeling. So, I am running along and I am thinking to myself "this feels really good and I bet I could just run the whole three miles" so I decide to just see how long I can run before taking a walk break, telling myself that I can take one whenever I want.

WELL, I ended up running FOUR miles, with just ONE three minute walk break. My time was the same it always is on the treadmill, 13:20 miles, but I ran almost the whole way.

I feel really good about it!

Easy 3.5 (sort of)

I ran in the rain last night. We had a great monsoon going on around 7, so I took sophie out on my 3.5 mile route. We got soaking wet, it was awesome. I could tell I was still really fatigued from Mon though, my legs very tired. I walked the last mile or so and just enjoyed the weather and the fact that I could be outside. Gotta take advantage of every opportunity unless there's other fun to be had.

I'm taking today off cause me and K are going to the John Mayer concert. I can't believe we only have 8 weeks left!!!!!! AAhhhhhhhh!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I set out to do 2.5 this morning and then did the 3 mile path thinking I was doing 2.5. So I walked about the last half mile and was worried about how tired I was at the end until I realized I did 3.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Thas right bitchez!!! I took a 2.5 hour lunch, which I suppose I can do cause I'm the boss. I was just having too much fun this weekend to try to run, although I will say that I was all ready to go Sat after golf, but my roommate insisted I didn't have time to go before we were supposed to be at the dinner, so I didn't.

Anyhoo, I did 4 on the treadmill and it just sucked all kinds of balls. I was just tired, beat, and probably still suffering from my alcohol diet over the weekend. Then I switched over to the indoor track and did 3.5 more, alternating walking/running the laps. Total time was 94 min, which is about 12.5 min miles.

I'm really feeling it this afternoon at work though! I just want to go lay down.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hundred percent reason to remember the name!

Oh. Yeah. If you have not downloaded that song by Fort Minor, you must do so right now, right now, right now. I listened to it like five times during my run today. Which was 7.4 miles. Which I did in 95:12. Which is 12 minute 50 second miles. I had Missy double check the math. I am convinced it is correct. Take home lesson: don't fuck with the loop!

And I must say, the run totally rocked the fucking house. I did all my intervals, as planned, and felt really good almost the entire time. I got a little bit weepy at the end, but that happens to me sometimes, it's just one of those things, although I try hard to control it because crying makes it harder to breathe. The best part about the run is that I could have done more. Which bodes well for next week, when my plan is to do 7.8.

My original training plan had me doing seven miles this week, so I feel really good about being a little bit ahead of where I need to be.

I did those CLIF shot block thingies for the first time, and I supposed you could say I will be including them in all my future runs. I will credit the shot blocks and that song for my success today.

The thing I was thinking about during and after this run was how a while back in my life, having a run like yesterday's run, the awful 2.2 would have had me hanging up my shoes for god knows how long. I would have considered myself a failure, told myself I hated running, hated exercise and the whole thing sucks and just been done with it. But things are different now. Why, I have no idea, I can't pinpoint one reason. But something has definitely changed. Now, after my awful 2.2 I simply told myself it was a bad run, I wasn't feeling my best and told myself to simply get up tomorrow and try it again. And, even more amazingly, that is exactly what I did.

This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

death mile

Mile 11 is the toughest mile of the entire course in terms of elevation. YIKES!!!! But the last 2 are flat.


Did 2.2 this morning. I was all prepared to do my 7.8 but just could NOT bring myself to continue. I think part of the problem here is my route. Ever since I hit six miles I have been trying to figure out different routes that are longer loops so I won't have to do as many, but ever since then I have really just had miserable long runs, so I am hereby saying "fuck it!" to the new routes! I am doing my .57 loop and if that means I have to do it 20 times then so be it! Whatever physical or psychological reasons cause me to enjoy that loop I just need to accept and move on already. Personally, I believe the issue is the big fucking hills that are all over my other routes and I just can't seem to find a longer one that doesn't have hills that kill my motivation and break my spirit. But with that small .57 loop, even though half of it is uphill, for some reason, it is doable for me. At least, it was up to six miles. We'll see if I can manage seven to eight on that loop tomorrow. I'll try it again tomorrow!!

I don't know, the other issue is that I am just at a point in this training when I am just fucking weary..... I feel like it has taken over my life and I'm always thinking about it and planning for it and I'm just kind of sick of it! I'm presuming I will get over that and I just need to keep going and assume that at some point it will be enjoyable again.

Friday, August 13, 2010


I did 2 this morning. I plan on doing 2.5 tomorrow morning and taking Sunday off. Food was good today until I got home and ate Jessica's leftovers from Red Lobster. It wasn't that much and that was the only transgression.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Till I Collapse!

I was in my bed this morning feeling like a loser because I wasn't going to go. Again. Then I read Sandy's email about next year's destinations, and I thought, I want to go! I want to be a part of that! Then a kind of strong voice said, What's stopping you? Get up and go! So I got up and went. I got my food back on track today too. Woohoo!! The voice might mean I am changing my thinking!!

GOD I didn't wanna go!!!!!!

But I did go at lunch today. The hardest part was leaving work and getting in the car. Once I was over that hurdle I knew I had to go. I did 4 miles, two on the treadmill with an incline and two on the indoor track. It took about 48 min, so my time was pretty good. Actually faster on the track than the treadmill, interestingly enough. On the track there's a breeze blowing and I'm actually moving, rather than stewing in my sweat and odor on the treadmill.

I'm going up to Pinetop for a golf tournament this weekend, which involves two days of golf and two nights of drinking. I'm really going to try to get a long in and take advantage of the altitude. But when fun calls I can never be sure.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier

Treadmill Tuesday today. Did three miles. Because I didn't feel like doing more.

Currently practicing my new food mantra "two plus two equals four and I don't do that anymore". Hahahahahahahaha!!!! I came up with that today during a conference call. It was kind of a boring call.

Anyways, I was thinking that mantra has been so darn helpful with the desk candy that I am trying it out with the after dinner eating. It's working okay, but I still feel pretty snacky. But I'm not actually eating.

swam a mile yesterday

Monday, August 9, 2010

Walked two miles today. I didn't do anything yesterday, but ended up about halfway through the day wishing I had gone to the gym after all. I suppose I could have done it still, and probably should have. I eat too much on the days I don't exercise. This is something I have consistently noted.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

exercise myth

This is something Mari and I have discussed quite a bit, and I will say that its true. When I'm on the treadmill I burn close to the same number of calories per mile regardless of whether I'm walking or running.

1. Walking is not as effective as running.
Sure, you'll burn about twice as many calories running for 30 minutes than walking for 30 minutes. But if a runner and a walker cover the same distance, they burn about the same number of calories. So if you're willing to take the 'slow route,' you'll likely lose just as much weight. In fact, studies have proved that how long you exercise matters more than how hard you exercise.

This one is true though in my experience, I am always hungrier the day after I run than on days I don't. Particularly in the morning and lunch time.

2. Exercise increases hunger
It's a common misconception: If you burn hundreds of calories during a workout, you'll end up eating more. But research shows that exercise has no effect on a person's food needs, with the exception of endurance athletes who exercise for two hours a day or more. In fact, research shows that exercise often suppresses hunger during and after the workout.

This one is something we've often discussed as well. The "experts" disagree with you Mari! haha.

4. Diet alone is enough for sustained weight loss
You'll lose weight in the short term by slashing calories, but experts say exercise is what keeps pounds off for good. Exercise burns calories, of course. It also builds muscle, which takes up less space than fat. Muscle tissue also requires more calories to sustain it than fat tissue does. In other words, the more muscle tissue you have, the more calories you'll burn at rest. In fact, some studies suggest that over the long term, if you had a choice of eating consistently less or exercising consistently more, exercise would be the better weight-loss choice.

7 miles!!

I intended to do a long run yesterday, and was waiting out the heat so I could go outside. I ended up reading on the couch for 8 hours and eating cookies. So only got in 3 last week. Last week quickly went to hell, as I had our HR conference with people in from all over the US and that was exhausting and dinners, etc, but then on Thurs Jake cut his hand with the pocket knife I finally relented and let him buy in Colorado just 3 weeks ago. He was using it to remove the tags from his school clothes rather than the less popular but arguably more obvious choice of scissors. Ended up in the ER with 5 stiches. Sigh. I probably wouldn't have gone that night anyway.

Anyway, today I was trudging to the gym and feeling bad about yesterday and thinking how much I needed to do AT LEAST what Marianne did. I can't have her kicking my ass. Just can't have it. So, I did 5 on the treadmill in 61:10, which was great as my goal is to do the half in 12 min miles, but I was just wiped after that. So I thought I'd walk two more on the indoor track, and I have to say I wish I had tried that before. It takes 15 laps to do a mile, so its not something I'd want to do for long distances, but because its so small I ran alternating laps, so I ran half of the last two miles and while I couldn't time them, I think it was about 13 min miles.

My feet really hurt after, but the hot tub and subsequent pedicure were quite helpful. My left ankle feels rather stiff and I have an ongoing blister on my right arch. But, I just keep nu-skin on it and its good. Mari you might try that if these shoes are working for your knee, its probably worth a blister.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

stupid toe.

My toe is looking a lot better, but I tried walking on it this morning and it felt like a scorpion sting. It's just not ready yet.
I have done really well with my food. I allowed myself a treat last night and went to the Cheesecake Factory with a friend. I did see it as a treat and am fully prepared to do well again today. Hour by hour!!
Proud of you Marianne!!!!


Miles I did this morning. I really didn't want to go at all. I didn't take the dog, I just didn't feel like I could deal with him. He was pretty pouty and waited by the gate the whole time I was gone. So, now I feel guilty. My time was 1:37:34. So, that is 13:33 minute miles. Which I have to tell you, I really feel I earned that time. It was kind of a miserable run, with lots and lots of hills which I considered to be quite steep. I had to do four loops and on the last half of the last loop I just had to turn off my interval timer and just run what I could run and walk the stupid fucking hills.

And I am taking the new shoes back. They are giving me blisters in places I should not have blisters, and putting lots of pressure on the toes of my left foot, which is the foot that is bigger. I really just think they are not wide enough. I am going back to my old shoes!

Let's see, what else.... nothing really. I didn't want to do it. I did it.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

New Shoes

I saw the doctor today who sent me over to a running store, saying he thinks I have an "overuse injury" whatever the fuck all that means, other than he doesn't know what else to do. So, off I went. I was very scared to go there and I cried on the way. But I did it, and now I have some new Saucony shoes (I don't know if I am spelling that right). I ran four miles on the treadmill today in them and everything seemed fine, although my knee still hurt. The real key will be if the other muscles in that leg are strained tomorrow, because that is what has been happening, either my calf or my hamstring on the left leg is seriously sore even though nothing else is, after running. So, if the shoes are going to make a difference, it seems like I would be able to tell if I don't get those sore muscles, if the sore just stays at the knee.

After this half marathon I am seriously considering taking up swimming. Doing that for a while should fix the knee and give me some awesome variety as well as build up some upper body strength, which I could probably use.

Tomorrow is an off day and I am going to try to do 7.2 on Saturday.

Update: No sore muscles this morning!! Yay!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Walked two miles today. All goodness. Plan on doing treadmill tomorrow. Also, going to the doctor early tomorrow morning to tell him that my knee is still hurting and while I am still capable of running six miles on it, I would prefer that it not hurt.

Missy, that totally stinks about your toe!!! Can you walk? Or are you not supposed to do anything?

I can't go

I was rushing to get my classroom ready today, carrying a desk and lost my grip on it, and dropped the full weight of it on my big toe. It's swollen and purple and bloody, and I will lose my toenail but nothing is fractured or broken. I had to go to this workplace injury thing and they took an x-ray and such, and the doctor said I should be able to run in a week or so. I'm just glad it didn't land on the top of my foot because it would have broken something for sure! It hurts like a sonofabitch. So, unintended week off right when I was getting back on track. On the bright side, I get to wear flip-flops to work, and it's only a week. :)

PS I cannot believe how fast you two are. I can't wait to lose this weight so I can race to catch up with you!!

Treadmill Tuesday

I did four miles last night, 51 min. Yay me!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ran five loops this morning, 2.85 miles. Time was 37:09, so about thirteen minute miles. Totally fine, but I really didn't want to go and it wasn't much fun. It's because I ate ice cream with some cookies and shit on top, for Rachael's birthday last night. I've noticed that whenever I eat sugar at night it makes me feel like total shit the next day. Which you would think would make me not eat it at night, but you would be wrong. Actually, the thing that irritates me more than anything is that I really didn't even want the stupid ice cream last night and could have said no to it, but it was Rach's bday and I was worried she would feel bad if I didn't eat it, which is totally fucking stupid, she probably would not have given two shits one way or the other..... but reacting to food like a normal person has never been my strong suit, I guess. Anyways, enough of that and moving on.

Yesterday I walked two miles. It was lovely.

Day 2

I made it through the entire day yesterday, without eating a bunch of crappy food! I got home from work and ate left over pork chops and mac & cheese. I'm hungry for dinner when I get home, so I decided, I'm just going to eat a dinner size meal at that point in the day. It makes sense since I start my days so early. Why should I try to hold off until "dinner time?" No reason. Then, about 7:30, when I wanted a bowl (or three) of frosted flakes, even though I wasn't particularly hungry, I checked in with myself and realized I was feeling anxious. I took a xanax. About 30 minutes later, I was actually hungry but was calm about it, so I ate a roma tomato, a can of green beans, and a banana. I felt perfectly satisfied and went to sleep an hour or so later. Why I woke up at the ungodly hour of 3:30 I don't know, but I'll take it since I have a lot of work to do and I am going to do 2 miles in a couple of minutes here. It has dried out a bit so it's actually pretty decent outside!
Sandy how many laps is a mile? How long does it take?
Marianne are you still having trouble with your moods on your days off from exercise?

Monday, August 2, 2010


that's all I have to say about that

I did it!

I got myself up and did 2 miles, and packed a healthy lunch. While I was running, I visualized all that gray depression and negativity flowing right out of my feet and into the pavement. I tried to replace it with the sunshine and the feeling of my muscles filling up with oxygenated blood and getting rid of all that yuck I've been feeding them. I am so relieved and thankful to be going back to work. I need the routine and structure. Like they say, one day at a time.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


yes it was miraculously cool out today and even a breeze blowing. So I did my 6 mile route. I ran most of the way, meaning with walk breaks, but I never stopped and just walked the rest of the way. In fact I ran the last half mile. 84 min was my time. Which is ok considering it was still 90 degrees out.


In bed for 2 days, took a shower yesterday for the first time since Tuesday. Trying. Trying. Not succeeding. Work starts tomorrow. Alarm set for 5:00, plenty of time for a 30-minute run. I need to go down to walking for my knees, but I just can't bear it.
45 minutes on the bike at the gym. My left calf (same leg as the sore knee) is really sore this morning, but nothing else is. I am assuming it has something to do with the knee. Nothing more to report.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Today I got up at 8, read for awhile and had breakfast, and then intended to go to the gym. Instead, I took a nap. For 3 hours. Then I lounged around mentally preparing to go swim laps, but it was overcast outside and had been for awhile, so I thought maybe I'd take a chance and go running outside instead. By the time I actually got ready and went outside, it was sunny again but a little breeze was blowing. So I went ahead and went, and it was tough. I ran about half of it. 3.4

I will add that Sophie had a more difficult time than me - she attempted to lay down in every shady spot.

Another 6.27

Miles, that is. This morning. I did really well, my total time was 1:22:35. I did 13 minute 9 second miles..... but I will say this: my goal for next week is to slow it down just a bit. Because I had thought that I might go ahead and do another loop, which would have put me at 6.8 miles, but at the end of the 11 loops I did, I was COMPLETELY done in, could not go around again, and I know that is because I was going a bit too fast. SO, next week to focus on pace!! I took some Tylenol right before I did the miles and my knee did just fine, so I am not too worried about it at this point, although it still hurts, it did not completely go away.

Not sure what I am going to do tomorrow. I'll either walk a couple of miles or go to the gym and do the bike. Or maybe I'll do nothing.

Friday, July 30, 2010

I walked two miles today. I was getting my fill yesterday and the guy was talking to me quite a bit about the exercise. I told him my current routine (three runs and a bike) and he was saying he would really recommend exercise six times per week, but not running six times per week. He said keep the current routine and the other two days walk or bike or weight training or whatever else I want to do and it only should just be a half hour. I listened to him because I do like to exercise most days, but really do feel that it wouldn't be good to run more than I am running.

So, today I walked. And I have to say, it was just very much a joyous thing. I forgot how much I love walking, just walking and listening to whatever music I want, with my dog, doing what my body loves to do, enjoying the outside. I remember loving it even when it was really really hot in Phoenix. I think I remember blogging about how the good thing about walking in the summer was that even though it was freaking hot, it forced me to be outside and see the sunset and with that kind of heat my inclination was to just stay inside.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


3 mi at the gym this evening

Really struggling

I did a half mile swim last night and it was really nice. I'm really struggling with the heat. Even when I go do the treadmill I just sweat profusely and its so freaking hot. I'm just not having any fun with it and its feeling like a chore.

Food has been okay. ie yesterday I had two small banana muffins for bkfast, a turkey sand on wheat and a cookie for lunch, but then I ate a whole totinos pizza and made brownies after my swim.
Did three miles outside. My knee started fussing at me at about mile 2.5, but only on the uphills, the other parts were fine. I think my form was fine, I wasn't favoring that knee and even on the uphills it wasn't bad enough to distract me or make me worry. It was a good run! It was actually 3.42 miles. Time was 44:40.

My food last night was awful. I did fine during the day, but then came home and ate a whole bunch of sugar. So much it is embarrassing to say, but I will tell you. I ate almost a whole piece of fried chicken breast dipped in honey, a bowl of cocoa pebbles, about a cup of this chicken enchilada stuff with a whole crapload of cheese AND about five small peanut butter cookies. Christ, I'm surprised I can even walk this morning, much less run! I really do feel like shit though, my stomach hurts and I'm all gassy. Bring on the fill!!!!'

And in case anyone is really concerned thinking I am hurting myself what with the surgery and whatnot, you need to remember that there is really no restriction with that band on anything that has a high sugar content, it's just how it is. It's one of the limitations of the surgery. Typically stuff with a real high fat content doesn't have much restriction either, so the enchilada was fine because it had a lot of cheese. But also, I really do need a fill, I'm not getting the restriction I could be getting, which would, for the most part, stop these sorts of situations.