Also, I drove my loop. My car only records tenths of miles, not hundredths, but from what I can tell, the gmaps pedometer is correct. It might be a little bit over, if the car is to be believed, like maybe it is .55 rather than .57 according to the car, but the way I figure it if you are getting down to those details, the gmaps is just as likely to be correct as the car, they are both just computers.
And it doesn't matter that much in any case, the bottom line is, I am on pace to finish this stupid thing way faster than I had anticipated. So assuming I don't crash and burn right about now, I should be fine. My plan is to increase my loops by one each week until the race, which should get me up to 21 in the best case scenario. But I might hold it to 20 and just do that twice, we'll have to see.
Also, I really really want this
that garmin thing seems pretty high tech. And, I read more about the course too and its pretty flat. Really, you don't feel 200 feet over 13 miles.