Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I did 2.3 again this morning, 30 seconds faster than yesterday. My right knee is really complaining. I must have been compensating without knowing it because my right hamstring is sore too. I'm trying to focus on protein - I bought some Odwalla strawberry super-protein drinks - but I haven't had much of an appetite these past few days. Probably the allergy medicine I've been taking. I am going to take tomorrow off and see if that helps my knee. I might try icing it tonight too.
Marianne your math wasn't hard. You just make the miles per hour into miles per minute by dividing the mph by 60. Then multiply the miles per minute by the number of minutes you did that activity. Or I can keep doing it for you. :)


  1. just don't try to ramp up too quickly. we are old now and our bodies complain if we don't give them adequate time to adjust.

  2. Missy, are you still walk/running at a 1:1 ratio? Or are you running the whole thing? Also, I am way too busy tending rabbits to do math of any sort. Plus, since your math was rather disappointing I won't be asking anyone to do it again any time soon.


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