Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A good one, surprisingly

Tonight I was kinda mentally beat from my run last night but I know consistency is key so I was just gonna get out there and do whatever I felt like doing. So I just took it slow and easy and did 2.5 mi straight and then walked the last mile. As I was walking I had an awesome idea for a book about the marathon we did, and as I was mulling it over in my mind I saw this giant green ball of light shooting through the sky. It was kinda like a falling star but way bigger and longer - I thought for sure it was a plane crashing. Green chunks started falling off of it before it disappeared behind a house. Crazay!!! I drove over to where I thought it had landed and there was nothing - no fire, no crowd, no sirens. Very perplexing. On the news tonight it said a few people have reported a green light in the sky and it was seen as far away as palm springs and Las Vegas, they called it meteor activity. So if that's true it must have been freakin huge!!! The way I see it, it was the luckiest star in the world, so that means I'm going to write a book and have it published.

1 comment:

  1. Which marathon that we did? The one where you did the marathon and I walked the 5K? Because I don't really want a book about that.... maybe you could write a book about all of our sister/running journeys.


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