Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Well I did 10 tonight. I felt pretty decent and ran clear up to 9. And then I was just done and kindof pissed that I was still a mile from home. I bought a special water bottle with a handle and a variety of gels/beans/chewy things. I had two servings of these chewy nuggets called Clif shots and they were great in that it was helpful to have little bites throughout, but after awhile I felt like a cow chewing cud. I think I'll stick with the gel shots, choke 'em down and done.

I talked to my work friend who does marathons today and he was really helpful in mapping out my schedule for the next 3 weeks. He also suggested I get a really cool new running outfit that I feel good in so I can wear it on race day, which I hadn't even thought of but what an awesome idea!! He seemed to feel pretty good about what I've done so far when I showed him my chart (yes I've been charting my progress, it keeps me motivated). He also said I shouldn't do 20 again because I don't want to get that "deep exhaustion" (as opposed to the regular kind I suppose). He did say I should do 15 again this weekend and also that I should GET UP EARLY ON SATURDAY to do it. That's a tall order. I mean, Saturday and all. But he said I need to get my body used to running in the mornings.

The hats are pink. Not a great color I know, but the point is to make it easy to find each other and there weren't other good options. They say "Sistahood of the Traveling Blisters." I hope that's cool. I thought it was really funny and witty when I ordered them but I've been having second thoughts. They're lightweight adjustable running hats with a sweat band inside and a folding visor so you can put it in your pocket. I should have them this week.

"This is war, this is death, this is real, you better bet on the winning side." - Airborne Toxic Event

1 comment:

  1. Glad you finally got yourself some good stuff. I found that chewing while I was running messed up my breathing so I'm sticking with the gels too. I like the new outfit idea too...


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