Tuesday, August 16, 2011

an angry heat

Is anyone tired of me complaining about the heat?  Hell, I’m sick of me.  But that’s all there is right now, just hot hot effing heat.  I went running at J’s football practice again last night, got 3 miles in.  Walked most of the last one.  It was just so goddamned oppressively hot, and the air was so still that a soggy cloud of heat surrounded my head the whole time, I couldn’t outrun it.  Its an angry hot.  Probaby 103 after sundown.  I stumbled onto the field and went to J’s cooler to chug down his water and use his iced towel.  He’s young and healthy and can handle this shit. 

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe you are running outside in that heat! I won't go here if it gets above 75 degrees!! You are a beast! -MR


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