Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just when I thought it wasn't going to be harder

Today was a day at work that I didn't even have time to pee, much less get down to the treadmill. It was just like that today. So, I got home and before I even let myself sit down, I put on my running clothes, and headed out the door.

Into a huge windstorm. I get like two minutes in, and the wind is so bad, and then it starts raining. I was planning to do two miles, but I take this as a sign to beat it home as quickly as possible, and I cut it short. The wind continues to get worse, and I swear at one point the dog was lifted off the ground! Grit was flying around in our eyes and mouths, and we were having to avoid debris blowing everywhere. At one point, I looked up and thought the stupid clouds were looking kind of twisty like and I thought I was going to be mowed down by a tornado or something! It was awful!

Anyhoodle, 1.26 miles, time was 16:56. I ran some of it, walked most of it, and frankly, I can't believe it got done today.

1 comment:

  1. You are a MACHINE!!! I'm glad a tornado didn't get you... although I would have liked to hear about some munchkins and tin men and such!


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