Sunday, June 26, 2011


For the long. It was kind of awful. My time was 46:27, 12:23/mile and I am surprised I did that well, given how miserable I felt. I tried to dig out that stupid toenail yesterday, and I couldn't get it since my toe is too swollen, and I appear to have made everything worse. Last night, I couldn't sleep, I was hot and my right upper leg was really sore (it is my right toe that is all nasty). I thought I must have somehow injured my hip flexor or something. Anyway, so this morning I investigate further and it turns out the gland near my groin is swollen like a freakin' golf ball and it HURTS!!! My toe seems to be feeling better since yesterday, but I am certain that fighting off the toe infection is what is making my gland all swollen and painful. I should probably go to the doctor, but I just took some ibuprofen and I'm sure I will be okay.

Anyways, this does not bode well for my half-hearted training!

Stats for the week:

Treadmill Running: 5 miles
Outside Running: 14.25
Total Miles Moved: 19.25

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