Thursday, October 8, 2009

train wreck

I skipped my run yesterday morning in order to be ready for a meeting I have this morning. I'm ready for the meeting but I woke up with a stuffy nose and feeling like I got hit by a train. I have too much to do. It's excuses and I need to get my priorities straight... but really there's just too much to do. I had to bring work home last night, which I NEVER do, and worked for 2 hrs, thinking I will be ready for my run this morning. Oh, and ate like a hog... 3 tamales, 4 peanut butter cups. Then had nasty classroom dreams all night and the bottom line is I just don't know if I can get out there this morning.


  1. just remember, if you go you win! even if you just walk around the block!

  2. 1. Who made the tamales?
    2. Why don't I have any tamales?


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