Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Atlanta Streets

There was just no way to know what was real and what was show
A future unfolding before my eyes, and a past that I could not let go
And how the feeling is so deep
when you're running down the Atlanta streets
Like there's nowhere left to go.

Then you'd call, I could feel your body fall down next to me,
And I wanted us to be fast asleep, closer than anything to me,
Like we were home again.
- Airborne Toxic Event, London

I don't know what it is about the Atlanta streets, but I seem to have such good runs here.  I'm happy that I got out after my meeting, when it was still light and somewhat cold.  I ran under a freeway keeping my head down because I know people are leaving work and I strive not to be recognized.  I had people say, "hey, I saw you running by the freeway!" - awkward as I think have to wonder, was I panting?  was I sweating?  was I walking?   Plodding along slowly?  How pathetic was your view, my friend, that you had to point it out to me?  My hotel is right next door to the big office, and there really are limited places to run.  But once I get under that freeway and down the road a bit, there's a nice winding hilly street that I turn down and go for about a mile.  So if I recall correctly, the route is 3.25 in total.  I may have an opportunity to do it again on Friday before I hit the airport, which would be nice and that would be 4 for the week and 13 miles with Sat left to go.  Not bad for a travel week following a vacation week.   

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