Sunday, May 1, 2011

Totinos Party Pizza

Is my nemesis. And I just negated todays awesome workout by eating one. But, I chased it with an apple so does that cancel out the pizza? Seems like it should. Today I did 2 incline miles on the tready at varying speeds (some small portion at 9 min pace btw because that's how cool I am). I then did an hour of yoga and I have to say it was a tough one. This crazy lady had us doing side planks, where you're on your side supporting body by one arm, and wrapping the top arm high. And then under your body, then back to the sky. Lotsa butt work too. Then I did my requisite hot tub and steam.


  1. About a month or so ago, DW ate an entire pepperoni Totinos party pizza and then proceeded to throw the entire thing up all over the middle of the living room carpet. We've all kind of lost our fondness for the stuff since then. Except the dog, who is always licking that spot on the carpet. It's disgusting.

  2. Wow, that story kind of made my stomach hurt, Marianne.


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